Decision Making and Leadership Strategies

Discussion: Using Bioethical Decision Making and Leadership Strategies to Solve Complex Dilemmas
In this discussion the following topics, from your assigned readings, will be explored:
• bioethical standards
• practice based ethics
• moral distress
• the power of analysis
• theories of organizational change
• contemporary leadership models (transformational leadership, pillars of leadership)
A KWLA + Q format will be used to guide this discussion. KWLA + Q is an acronym for:
K = KNOW (What did I already know and/or experience on this topic?)
W = WANT (What do I want to learn more about?)
L = LEARN (What did I learn from the readings and/or discussion?)
A = APPLY (How will I apply what I learned to my current or future nursing practice?)
Q = QUESTION (What questions do I have?)
Discussion Instructions

  1. By the midpoint of this module post an initial post using the KWLA + Q format by answering the following questions (you can use bulleted and/or narrative format for your answers to each question).
    o K = KNOW (What did I already know and/or experience on this topic?)
    o W = WANT (What do I want to learn more about?)
    o L = LEARN (What did I learn from the readings and/or discussion?)
    o A = APPLY (How will I apply what I learned to my current or future nursing practice?)
    o Q = QUESTION (What questions do I have?)
  2. Manage your discussion thread by responding to classmates that responded to you.
  3. Respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ discussion threads by:
    o Answering their questions.
    o Discussing what you learned from their discussion post and how you can apply what you learned to your practice.

Instructor’s Commentary
In this module we will explore a variety of complex dilemmas that nurses encounter in their professional practice (i.e. futile care, ethical and legal issues, incivility, communication problems). We will learn about, discuss, and analyze ways that nurses, as members of interprofessional teams, can use their decision making and leadership skills to help improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare (DeNisco, 2024; Husted 2015).
Before you begin the assigned readings and move to the discussion take a few minutes to:

  1. Reflect on your knowledge and experiences and what you would like to learn in regard to:
    o ethical-legal decision making
    o bioethical standards
    o practice based ethics
    o moral distress
    o the power of analysis
    o theories of organizational change
    o contemporary leadership models (transformational leadership, pillars of leadership)
  2. Write and save this information in Microsoft word document as it will be used in your discussion post.
  3. Watch this 6 minute video titled, Transforming Health Care through Nurse Leadership | Campaign for Action in which several nurse leaders share stories of how they transformed health care through their leadership.
    DeNisco, S. M. (Eds). (2024). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (5th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
    Husted, G. L., Husted, J. H., Scotto, C. J., & Wolf, K. M. (2015). Bioethical decision making in nursing (5th ed.). Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

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