Short Assignment
Logic Model
This assignment guides you through the process of planning a health promotion intervention based on some of the Healthy People 2030 priority areas. Select one of the topics listed below or explore others that have been identified as priority areas. Once selected, you will be using a logic model to write a goal and SMART objectives for an evidence-based intervention and completing a logic model template to include inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and the impact of your planned intervention.
This may seem very different from what you have completed before, however it is similar to the care plans you might have worked with individualized care using tools such as care planning electronically. The logic model is something you might use in that setting if you were proposing a change in how you deliver care or promoting healthy lifestyles. It is used a great deal when we work with population focused care. You will be asked to identify an evidence based health promotion/risk reduction strategy that you will now demonstrate to other health care providers, funders, or community members your proposed intervention. You intervention may be primary, secondary or tertiary prevention. You will need to identify which you would like to submit for the logic model. The type of prevention will help you develop the logic model. You will include strategies consistent with your proposal.
Keep in mind this is a group project so all members of the group will be expected to contribute to this plan. You all have something to contribute to the planning of a logic model. As you develop the model ask yourself the following questions: Why select this topic? Is my description adequate so others will understand what I hope to achieve? Are my objectives and goals measurable? Can someone replicate this project by the information I have included?
To be successful, you will need to read the assigned readings prior to beginning this assignment.
Step 1: Select one of the following topics from Healthy People 2030 or explore other topics that you have an interest in working on to build a health promotion project using a logic model. There must be agreement by all members of the group. These are some suggestions but you are not limited to these.
• Behavioral health/mental health
• Cancer
• Heart disease(s)
• Environmental health(Including climate change, water quality and air quality)
• Infectious Diseases (including Covid 19, HIV, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis, but not limited to)
• Intellectual disability
• Pregnancy and childbirth
• Children’s health
• Sensory or communication disorders
• Sexually transmitted infections
• Tobacco use
• Substance use
Step 2: Identify an evidence-based health promotion/risk reduction intervention to address the topic you selected. You can use an intervention from Healthy People 2030, develop the model based upon and supported by research article(s), or explore the other recommended websites. Go to to an external site. (2) Select a topic (3) On the left hand side select evidence based resources. This site will have some information but it may not be enough to do the logic model. If you are not finding the information you are looking go to Links to an external site and select a topic and recommendations. You may select any topic that interests you and choose recommendations that have strong evidence. Make sure the topic you choose is not older than 5 years.
NOTE: most research articles will not have all the details necessary to complete the logic model. In this case, you still need to complete all logic model columns and consider how you would complete those columns using other evidence based supported articles and/or websites . It is best to look for interventions that have most if not all the components.
Step 3: In the first paragraph describe in your own words the health priority area you have identified and why you selected it. Discuss briefly why this is important and how you plan to address this area through your logic model. You are providing the reader and/or potential funder an introduction into how you made a decision to address the issue and why this is important. You will need to provide peer reviewed journal article(s) as references with in-text citations to support why this is a priority.
In the next paragraph, describe your intervention. Include location, resources needed, personnel, intervention content, strategies and ‘dose’. Examples of strategies are: home visits, individual or group interventions, physical activity, problem solving, multi component interventions or others. The dose indicates the amount of intervention included. Is it a 30 minute health care encounter (dose would be 30 minutes), or 6 group meetings each lasting 60 minutes (dose would be 360 minutes).
Step 4: Using the logic model template, state the intervention goal. State one process and one outcome objective using SMART format for each objective.
Step 5: Complete the logic model template using the evidence-based intervention you selected. (It is attached in the dropbox)
Step 6: Include reference citations (including peer reviewed journal articles) that support your intervention. References must be in APA format
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