Global Cultural Palliative Care

Written Assignment
• Module 2 Written Assignment: Global Cultural Palliative Care
Recognizing cultural palliative care practices is an important step towards realizing how modern medicine and palliative practices may complement each other. The identification and possible removal of barriers that face palliative care practices in other countries can guide us here at home when faced with these challenges.
• Choose one cultural group/religion/country of interest and describe the status of palliative care in their country of origin.
• Describe at least two barriers to palliative care in that country.
• Discuss measures being used to overcome barriers to palliative care. If no measures are in progress to overcome the country’s barriers you chose to discuss, provide suggestions as to what you believe may remedy the barriers and why.
• Base your answers, related to the measures being used to overcome barriers, on existing successes elsewhere and the supporting literature.
Paper should be 3-5 pages not including title page and reference page. A minimum of three (3) scholarly references should be used to support the information discussed. Follow APA formatting and the guidelines of the written assignment rubric.
• This activity will be graded using the written assignment rubric: Undergraduate Written Assignment Rubric

Throughout this course, there are three main resources that will enable you to successfully complete written assignments:

  1. SUNY Empire State University’s Library and Research Resources – to access the web-based online Library’s home page that can be reached any time of day or night.
  2. American Psychological Association (APA) 7th ed- Tips developed by SUNY
  3. Empire State University’s School of Nursing.
  4. Empire Online Writing Center – to access writing tips and assistance.

• Baider, L., & Schapira, L. (2017). Amani’s silence. Oncologist, 22(7), 879-880.
• De Lima, L., & Radbruch, L. (2014). Palliative care in the global health agenda. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 28(3), 384-389.
• Long, C. O. (2011). Cultural and spiritual considerations in palliative care. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 33(2), S96-S101.
• Purnell, L. (2005). The Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health, 11(2), 7-15.
• Taber, J. M., Ellis, E. M., Reblin, M., Ellington, L., & Ferrer, F. A. (2019). Knowledge of and beliefs about palliative care in a nationally-representative U.S. sample. Plo S one, 12(8), e0219074.
• Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance. (2014). Global atlas of palliative care at the end of life.

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