The Developmental Challenges in Late Adulthood

  1. Please address in 4 pages- see Research paper guidelines
  2. Please use at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles (listed below, may add more)
  3. Please follow APA format
  4. Please follow instruction and Matrix I provided below.

Research paper guidelines

Pick a population you are interested in knowing more about (for example, developmental stages in infants, the physical and emotional transitions of adolescents, or the changes brought on by aging)

Part I

Research this population. Address the following in 3-4 pages

What is the normal developmental pattern for this age group?

What developmental issues might develop during this stage?

What do the major developmental theories say about this stage?

Address the health issues that affect this developmental stage 

What are the major health issues that can arise in this stage?

Part II

What services exist to address these health issues?

Find one such service online or local to you, and describe their services

Who do they serve?

What services do they provide?

Part III

Draw your own conclusions from what you have learned

What do we already know about your group?

What more do we need to know that might help improve services?

Reference page (Please include a title page, citations, and a reference page in APA format.

Research must be evident. Please use at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Have fun! Make sure to address all questions listed.

Research Paper – 100 points
This can be any topic that interests you that relates to growth and development. Pick a population you are interested in knowing more about (for example, developmental stages in infants, the physical and emotional transitions of adolescents, or the changes brought on by aging).  Describe your chosen topic and why you picked it in one short paragraph.  Make sure it is a large enough topic to have some research done on it, and small enough to cover in your paper. Changing your topic is allowed, but not recommended.
Reference page
Submit at LEAST three (feel free to find more!) peer-reviewed articles in APA format to get started on your reference page.

Reference page (Please include a title page, citations, and a reference page in APA format.
Research must be evident. Please use at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Have fun! Make sure to address all questions listed

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