NAEYC Standards addressed in this assignment:
1b: Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on developing and learning
2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics
3b: Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches
4b: Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education
5c: Using their own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful challenging curricula for each child
What is a prop box?
The purpose of a prop box is to enhance language development and advance literacy skills of children in early childhood classrooms. Prop boxes may be based on a theme and include items such as books, concrete objects and activities that promote literacy and language development.
What will go into your prop box?
- Paired books
- Paired books are complimentary to each other and are typically centered around the same topic. For the purpose of this assignment, you will select one fiction and one non-fiction book.
- Both books will be used to create activities that promote literacy. (Avoid math books, as it is difficult to come up with enough literacy-based activities that meet the requirements)
- Five Literacy-Based Activities
- These activities willalign with the theme of the paired books and each activity must promote literacy development.
- Four of the activities should be based around the theme of the fiction selection, and one of the activities should be based around the non-fiction selection.
- The activities created are intended for children to complete independently, without teacher assistance.
- In a typical early childhood setting, the teacher would model and demonstrate how to complete the activities before making them available for the children.
NAEYC Standard 4b: Because the student knows and understands effective strategies and tools for early education, all the activities constructed are aligned with their respective standard and each is aligned with the selected books.
Part I
This will be submitted before you present.
- Choose a target age.
- Choose two books that are developmentally appropriate for the target age.
- 1 fiction book to establish the theme of prop box
- 1 non-fiction that is relevant to the theme
- Choose one of the resources below to work with
- TEKS (ages 5 and up)
- Texas Pre-K Guidelines (age 4)
- High Scope Preschool KDIs (ages 3-5)
- Head Start Outcomes (age 3)
- Create Curriculum Sheet (See below)
- Identify and list each skill that will be that will be taught and assessed through this Prop Box.
NAEYC Standard 1b: Because the student knows and understands the multiple influences on developing and learning the activities constructed will show consistency in consideration for ages and/or grade levels.
- Use the template found at the end of the document to complete this element of the prop box. A partial example will be provided in class.
- Create original activities and thoroughly describe each activity that reinforces the respective skill.
- You may use resources from the internet to get an understanding of activities that are included in a prop box, but you may not submit someone else’s work as your own.
NAEYC Standard 5c: Using their own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful challenging curricula for each child
- Differentiate Instruction for one of the above activities & Provide Supplemental at Home Support.
- Modify one activity for your exceptional learners.
- Create an extension for learners that have accomplished the target skill.
- Create a modified version of the activity for learners who are not developmentally ready to complete activity independently.
- The modification cannot be teacher assistance. It must be a modification to the activity that allows the student to complete it independently.
NAEYC Standard 4b: Because the student knows and understands effective strategies and tools for early education, the student will demonstrate a clear understanding of how to meet the various needs of exceptional learners by constructing creative, but still challenging modifications that are logical and developmentally appropriate.
- Provide supplemental support for diverse families with exceptional children.
- Choose an exceptionality (i.e. Gifted and Talented, autism)
- Research the exceptionality and identify one online literacy resource that provides literacy development strategies for the special population you have chosen.
- Write a short letter to the parent.
- Identify the resource (web address and name of website) and describe the online resource.
- Include a description of two key strategies found within the resource.
- Include an explanation of why you think this resource will support their student’s literacy development.
NAEYC Standard 2a: Because the student knows and understands diverse family and community characteristics the student will write a clear, respectful letter that describes two key strategies found within the resource that will support their student’s literacy development respective of their child’s exceptionality.
- Assessment
- Choose a skill that you would like to assess.
- Identify the type of assessment that is most appropriate for the skill being observed
- Choose from the following assessments
- Anecdotal observation form, daily performance samples, audio recording, video recording, survey, interview, checklist
- Describe how the assessment will be used.
- Explain why this assessment is appropriate for the skill that is being assessed.
NAEYC Standard 3b: Because the student knows about and uses observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches the assessment form created by the student includes all of the following broad categories: the purpose for observing, significant events during observation, reflective analysis of significant events, and ways you can use or apply what you have observed to your future teaching; and will include large spaces for notes.
Part II
Presentation Day
- Bring a box (cardboard box or plastic container) decorated to reflect the theme of the book.
- The prop box should include 5 literacy-based activities.
What will I say during my presentation?
- Identify the target age.
- Present the activities
- Identify the standard
- Describe the activity.
- Model how the activity will be used and explain how it promotes literacy.
- Repeat with the remaining activities.
- Explain how you differentiated instruction for the selected activity.
- Discuss the supplemental support resource.
- Explain the assessment.
- Present the activities to the class in an engaging manner within the 10 – 15-minute time limit.
- The presentation will be a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes.
- All students will complete an evaluation of prop boxes presented.
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