Community Needs Assessment

Purpose:  To research, assess, and analyze an assigned community; to develop skills used in community analysis; to identify needs and strengths within a community and to apply the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model to addressing community needs and challenges; to integrate and apply theoretical frameworks and approaches (anti-oppressive, systems theory, cultural humility, and Indigenous approaches); to use a bottom-up approach in completing this assignment. This assignment will serve as the foundation for the Major Community Development Project/grant proposal due at the end of the semester.

Format: This assignment will be 6-8 pages (excluding title page, references, map and/or addendums), double-spaced, one inch margins, Times New Roman, size 12 font.

APA formatting (title page, references, and proper in-text citations) is required.

Your paper will include the following components (Part 1 and 2):

Part 1: 10 marks
Socio-Economic, Environmental and Demographic Status of the Neighbourhood

Write only point # and text as sub-heading. Example: 1. Introduction

Sources of Data/Information: To successfully complete this assignment, you will have to draw on information from a variety of sources, including: community field visit (s), textbook, online resources, and in-class discussions. A list of valuable resources is outlined in Chapter Six of Parada et al. (2011) Knowing Your Community (p. 113-141).

  • City and/or Municipality Neighbourhood Profiles
  • Information and data collected from field visit
  1. Introduction (1 paragraph)–This section will include the name and stated boundaries of your community (your assessment will determine the boundaries; ensure you provide a valid rationale) and general description. Often community members have different perspectives on what defines the community they live in. It is helpful to ask members of the community what they believe the boundaries to be and why.

Community Map Maps are important visual aids that help highlight boundaries and assets in a community. Include a map of the area you are writing about, indicating street boundaries, parks, major institutions, and all the relevant services available in the community. You can also attach this at the end in an Appendix and indicate in this section where you map is located.

  • Describe the socio-economic, environmental and demographic settings of the community.  Some key question are: (2-3 paragraphs) [Please do not add following questions as sub-headings rather create 2-3 small paragraphs by answering following questions]
  1. What is the ethnic and racial make-up of the community? What implications does this have for Community Development work?
  • What is the breakdown of languages spoken in the community? What implications does this have for Community Development work?  
  • What is the age breakdown of the community? What implications does this have for Community Development work?
  • What type of work are people engaged in? Do residents live in the community and work elsewhere or do they live and work in the same area?
  • What is the breakdown of income levels of the residents? What implications does this have for Community Development work?
  • What is the land use in the community? How much of the land is residential, park land, commercial, industrial, institutional, and/or other uses?
  • What agencies and institutions do you observe? What types of schools, places of worship, businesses, social service agencies, health services do you observe?                          (1 paragraph)

  • Where do people congregate, gather, hang-out in the community? What facilities exist (e.g. Parks, community centers, pools, movie theatres, bowling alleys, etc.)? What recreational services are available for children, youth, families, older adults, other community members? Are they accessible, affordable, and culturally sensitive? (1 paragraph)

Part 2: 10 marks.
Key Areas and Questions for Community Assessment and Planning 

Sources of data/information:

  • Data from City and/or Municipality Neighbourhood Profiles for supporting your findings and arguments
  1. Problem/Issue/Needs Identification (1 to 2 small paragraphs)

[Please do not add following questions as sub-headings rather create 2-3 small paragraphs by answering following questions. Same advise for point 2 to 5]

  1. What are the major problems (two problems) of the community?
  2. How are people affected by each problem?
  • Root-Cause Analysis (1 to 2 small paragraphs)
  1. What are the root-causes of these two problems?  
  2. Who or which community group is mostly affected by these issues/problems?
  • Setting Priority by the Community (1 paragraph)
  1. According to community members, what is the important community issue/problem that needs to be addressed immediately? Why?
  • Community Engagement in Planning (1 paragraph)
  1. What interventions/actions do community members suggest to address the issue(s)?
  2. How can community members participate in implementing these actions?
  • Strengths and Asset Based Community Development (1 paragraph)
  1. What are the major strengths and assets of the community that can be utilized in addressing the community issue(s)?

People/Stakeholder for interview and discussions:

  • People with common interests/Similar experience/directly or indirectly affected by the issue (interview 2 people)
  • Key Informant/Resources: Local leader, Liberian, Local Store owner, Local agency staff etc. 

Community Assessment Description (20%)

(Due: Week 6 in e-Centennial DropBox)

Part 1:

  1. Introduction & Map (2 marks)
  2. Socio-Economic / Environmental / Demographic Settings (4 marks)
  3. Agencies / Institutions (2 marks)
  4. Where people gather / congregate / hang-out (2 marks)

/ 10 marks

Part 2:

  1. Problem/Issue/Needs Identification (2 marks)
  2. Root-Cause Analysis (3 marks)
  3. Setting Priority by the Community (2 marks)
  4. Community Engagement in Planning (2 marks)
  5. Strengths and Asset Based Community Development (1 mark)

 / 10 points

Total:                 / 20 marks


  • You will get full marks if you answer all the questions under each point as per the guideline. But do not include questions in your assignment text, only create small paragraphs under each point.  
  • You will full marks for each point if you follow APA formatting and citation guidelines.  While creating your paragraph, you must cite or mention sources of the data. If you receive information from community through interviews or by your observation, please mention it in order to make your assignment authentic and compelling.

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