High Renaissance

● You are to write a short paper, approximately 3-4 typed pages (double-spaced, 12pt font). For this paper you will address the following:
● In your readings you have learned about the education, status, place, and expectations of women in the Renaissance. In other essays you have read about how Sofonisba Anguissola navigated her career as an artist within these structures, by utilizing what sitters she could as a youth (family, herself) and then later, though unpaid because of her status, painting portraits of some of the most important members of European courts.
● In this essay, discuss how particular works or sets of works reflect those Renaissance structures on women and women artists and how Sofonisba set her own path within those limits. You can choose early works, works about her family, self-portraits, court portraits, drawings, etc. and either single works or sets of like works to make your argument.
● As always, fully identify the works, and use your descriptions of the works to explain the points you are making. Consider iconography, format, subjects, etc. If you would like to run your ideas by me, I’m happy to give you feedback on your choices.
● Again, this should be a formal paper – clear, methodically plotted, and well thought-out. The paper will be graded on accuracy and your fluency in the content but also the writing itself. No contractions, no slang, make sure everything is spelled correctly, make sure you are using the correct word and that your grammar is correct, and do not count on spellcheck systems or built-in thesaurus synonyms.
● Use the Chicago Style for citations. I will post a link to a useful source to follow. Cite any sources you use beyond my lectures, Vasari, and any Khan videos. Plagiarism, including the use of ChatGPT and the like, will earn you a zero on the paper, so if you need to quote a source (limitedly), just give them credit!
● You do not need to include images in your paper, only very clear identifications, but if you do, remember that the space it takes up will not be included in the page count.

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