Organizational Structure

Use this section to review the original organizational structure.

o Director of Product Group
 Manager
• Data Analyst
• Data Analyst
• Graphic Designer
• Graphic Designer
• Developer
• Developer
• Designer
• Designer
• QA Specialist
• QA Specialist
• Project Manager
• Project Manager
 Manager
• Data Analyst
• Data Analyst
• Graphic Designer
• Designer
• QA Specialist
• Project Manager
o Director of Service Group
 Manager
• Data Analyst
• Data Analyst
• Graphic Designer
• Designer
• QA Specialist
• Project Manager
 Manager
• Data Analyst
• Data Analyst
• Graphic Designer
• Designer
• QA Specialist
• Project Manager
o Director of Shared Resources Group
 HR Manager
• HR Specialist
• HR Specialist
• HR Specialist
o Information Technology Manager
 Information Technology Specialist
 Information Technology Specialist
 Information Technology Specialist
o Marketing Manager
 Marketing Specialist
 Marketing Specialist
 Marketing Specialist

New Structure
Use a bulleted list to create a new organizational structure. Use subbullets to clarify reporting structures in the same way as shown in the original structure above.

• [Insert text.]
o [Insert text.]
 [Insert text.]
• [Insert text.]

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