Academics and Career Options

After completing the Focus II inventories and completing an informational interview reflection, you will do more extensive research on TWO career options and present them in a Power point slideshow.

Students will research their career options and form a slide-show presentation. Students will choose two career options to do more extensive research on.

• Prepare a minimum of 10 slides PER career.
• Include at least the following for each career that you choose:
o What is the position title? Provide a summary of what the job entails.
o What are the educational requirements to enter the field?
o Identify the college major(s) necessary to enter the field AND an outline of the required courses required to earn this degree.
o What is the tuition costs for each degree required of this career?
o What are the educational requirements to advance in this field?
o Outside of education, are there other requirements to progress in this career?
o Describe the career path to higher level positions OR additional related jobs.
o What is the entry level salary/range? What is that based on (education/experience, etc.)?
What populations of people are underrepresented in this field, what are the causes, and what are the solutions?
o What are the experiences of marginalized/minoritized employees or clients in the career path?
o Are there any recent news stories that highlight a DEI (Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion) issue within this field? What is/are the issue(s) and what is the solution to the issue(s)?
o How does this field measure DEI (ie. demographics of employees, survey of climate and culture)?
o What might make it difficult for you to enter into either career path?
o Why do you think this career would be a good fit for you based on your personality, interests, values and self- assessed skills?
• Slides should include the results of Focus II, your informational interview, and two additional resources. All sources require proper documentation throughout each presentation when responding to the questions above. Please see the MLA handout for citation information.

Career and Academic Plan Rubric

The presentation adequately covers two career paths.
Poor 0 points
Half Credit 12.5 points
Average18.75 points
Missing Something 21.25 points
Excellent 25 points

The presentation integrates solid research on each career for reflection.
Poor 0 points
Half Credit 12.5 points
Average18.75 points
Missing Something 21.25 points
Excellent 25 points

The presentation includes personal information from Focus II results, the interview, self assessed skills.
Poor 0 points
Half Credit 12.5 points
Average18.75 points
Missing Something 21.25 points
Excellent 25 points

Poor 0 points
Half Credit 12.5 points
Average18.75 points
Missing Something 21.25 points
Excellent 25 points

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