The Used of Quantum Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases Treatment
The emergence of autoimmune diseases has led to the emergence of several diseases whose symptoms are difficult to recognize and can attack anyone, both men and women. Symptoms of autoimmune diseases can attack the body at any time and affect the human immune system. This autoimmune disease causes harm to human organs because it can damage healthy cells in a person’s body.
The use of Quantum Stem Cell therapy for autoimmune patients has recently been believed to be sufficient to aid healing and pose significant difficulties for the global health care system.
This study aims to explain and analyze the effectiveness of autoimmune treatment with Quantum Stem Cell compared to coventional drug-based therapy. As well as studying its consistent properties regularly. The method used in this research is the case study method. Patient care records were the primary data source for this study including evaluation and analysis. So the research results explain that at the same time the utilization products cultivated by “CELLTECH STEM CELL CENTER LABORATORY AND BANKING” as an integrated part of the Clinic, also receive quality guarantees. Effectiveness and efficiency including cell regeneration and other therapeutic issues are new and belong to the cutting edge of medicine. Treatments carried out at the Celltech Stem Cell Center have shown positive research results. This strengthens the level of trust in the clinic’s medical services. As medical knowledge advances, the possibility of using Quantum Stem Cells for personalized therapeutic interventions becomes increasingly feasible.
Autoimmune disease is a disease that attacks the human immune system which commonly occurs in women and men. Failure of the immune system to differentiate between self and nonself, resulting in targeting healthy tissue and resulting in tissue injury, is a hallmark of autoimmune diseases. This autoimmune disease causes harm to human organs because it can damage healthy cells in a person’s body. There are more than 80 diseases that are classified as autoimmune diseases. Some of these diseases have similar symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle aches and fever.
Many patients initially think that the symptoms they are experiencing are just normal things and consider the problem trivial, but when they have entered a critical phase, they take the initiative to consult a doctor and this causes treatment to be delayed. When the body feels unwell, the patient should take quick steps to take action and consult or visit a doctor so that he can immediately get the right treatment, especially with Quantum Stem Cell.
Autoimmune diseases affect millions of people worldwide, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality. Immunosuppressive agents that attempt to control aberrant immune responses constitute the majority of conventional treatments for autoimmune disorders. However, these treatments often cause undesirable side effects and may not result in long-term remission. As a result, there is increasing interest in finding new therapeutic strategies that target the underlying mechanisms of autoimmune diseases while minimizing side effects.
In recent years, stem cell-based therapies have attracted attention as a promising method for treating various diseases, including autoimmune disorders. Due to their distinct immunomodulatory properties and regenerative potential, Quantum Stem Cells have emerged as a viable candidate.
Causes of Autoimmune Diseases
The cause of autoimmune disease is not yet known with certainty. However, there are several factors that are thought to increase a person’s risk of developing autoimmune diseases, such as :
• Have a family history of autoimmune disease
• Suffering from a bacterial or viral infection, for example Epstein Barr virus infection
• Exposure to chemicals, such as asbestos, mercury, dioxins, or pesticides
• Smoking
• Are overweight or obese
Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases
Several types of autoimmune diseases have the same initial symptoms, such as:
• Often feel weak
• Sore muscles or joint pain
• Skin rash
• Fever that comes and goes
• Swelling in the joints or face
• Hair loss
• Difficulty concentrating
• Tingling in the hands or feet
Even though they cause some of the same initial symptoms, each autoimmune disease still has specific symptoms, such as type 1 diabetes whose symptoms include frequent thirst, weakness and drastic weight loss.
The following are some examples of autoimmune diseases and their symptoms :
- Lupus
Lupus can affect almost any organ in the body. This disease can cause symptoms such as fever, joint and muscle pain, skin rashes, sensitive skin, mouth ulcers, swelling in the legs, headaches, seizures, chest pain, shortness of breath, paleness and bleeding. - Graves’ disease
Graves’ disease can cause symptoms in the form of sudden weight loss, bulging eyes (exophthalmos), hair loss, palpitations, restlessness and insomnia. - Psoriasis
This disease can be recognized by the appearance of thick, scaly red spots. - Multiple sclerosis
Symptoms that can be caused by multiple sclerosis include numbness in one part of the body, vision problems, muscle stiffness and weakness, reduced body coordination, and fatigue. - Myasthenia gravis
Symptoms that can be experienced due to myasthenia gravis are drooping eyelids, blurred vision, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, and difficulty swallowing. - Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
This disease can cause symptoms in the form of sudden weight gain, sensitivity to cold air, numbness in the hands and feet, weakness, drowsiness, hair loss, irregular menstruation, and difficulty concentrating. - Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
Symptoms that can be experienced if you suffer from these two diseases are stomach pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, fever and weight loss. - Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause sufferers to experience symptoms in the form of pain, redness and swelling in the joints, especially the joints of the fingers. - Guillain Barré Syndrome
This disease causes symptoms in the form of muscle weakness, tingling, weakness and balance problems, which if the condition gets worse can develop into paralysis. - Vasculitis
Vasculitis can be recognized by symptoms of fever, sudden weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, and skin rashes.
Symptoms of autoimmune diseases can experience flares, namely the sudden appearance of symptoms with a severe degree. Flares usually occur as a result of being triggered by something, for example exposure to sunlight or stress.
Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases
Most diseases classified as autoimmune diseases cannot be cured, but the symptoms that arise can be alleviated and prevented from occurring flares.
Treatment to treat autoimmune diseases depends on the type of disease suffered, the symptoms felt, and the severity. Treatment methods include:
Drugs that can be given to treat autoimmune diseases include:
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, to treat pain and fever
• Drugs that suppress the immune system, such as corticosteroids, to inhibit the development of disease and maintain the function of body organs
• Anti-TNF drugs, such as infliximab, to prevent inflammation caused by the autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis
Hormone replacement therapy
Hormone replacement therapy is performed if the patient suffers from an autoimmune disease that inhibits hormone production in the body. For example, giving insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels in people with type 1 diabetes, or giving thyroid hormones for people with thyroiditis.
Complications of Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases can cause several serious complications, namely:
• Heart disease
• Nerve damage
• Deep vein thrombosis
• Organ damage, such as the liver or kidneys
• Depression or anxiety disorders
Prevention of Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases cannot always be prevented, because most autoimmune diseases are related to genetic factors. However, there are several efforts that can reduce the risk of autoimmune disease, namely:
• Exercise regularly
• Do not smoke
• Maintain ideal body weight
• Use protective equipment when working, to avoid exposure to chemicals
• Wash your hands regularly to avoid viral and bacterial infections
Quantum Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune
Quantum stem cell therapy for autoimmune diseases provides positive effectiveness for patients. Stem cells have both homing and plasticity and have demonstrated extraordinary effectiveness in stopping damaging immune responses and restoring the body to normal levels of function by providing cellular level repair of damage, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation.
Several in vitro studies have reported that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have immunomodulatory properties and immunosuppressive effects on the proliferation of MHC-mismatched lymphocytes, memory and activated T-cells, B-cells, NK-cells and dendritic cells.
At the Celltech Stem Cell Center, MSCs are produced from umbilical cords which are processed through the Quantum system. The Quantum method is carried out in a closed system, thereby reducing the occurrence of human error and cells will be proliferated in a shorter time, 100-300 times the number of conventional cells. The resulting cells will be of the best quality and stored in the Tissue or Stem Cell Bank where these cells can later be used for future medical needs for the patient and family.
Stem cells have the ability to transform into damaged organ cells when they come into contact with damaged organs, and therefore, they are used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. It also treats damaged nerves and muscles in the same way. In this way, they can slow the progression of the disease, stop it completely, or make it regress. If the disease is severe, treatment may need to be done more than once. The success rate of treatment is proportional to the patient’s age, disease duration, and patient condition.
Research Design
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study where the use of quantum stem cell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases offers the potential to modify the natural recovery of knee osteoarthritis using stem cell-based technology.
The reason the Qualitative Method was chosen is because this research aims to explain and analyze the effectiveness of quantum stem cell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Research Settings
This research was carried out at the Vinski Regenrative Center which is the main stem cell therapy clinic from the Celltech Stem Cell Center laboratory located at Vinski Tower, Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 22 A Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12310 and accredited by World Council of Stem Cell (WOCS), Geneva, Switzerland.
This research involved 2 female patients aged 53 and 59 years who experienced autoimmune diseases with various complaints such as often feeling weak, achy muscles or joint pain, skin rashes, intermittent fever, swelling in the joints or face, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, tingling in the hands or feet. Each patient was studied using comparative literature studies and based on each patient’s laboratory results. Then, each patient undergoes quantum stem cell therapy which is injected repeatedly over a certain period of time, which can be 3 to 4 repetitions in 12 months. Patient data is collected periodically and recorded in a notation book containing personal data and health history.
Techniques of Data Collection
Descriptive data collection techniques have several types of techniques, including interviews and observation. All participants provided baseline data, including demographic information and disease characteristics.
Patients are treated with live stem cells maintained at CELLTECH’s Stem Cell and Banking Laboratory, and therapy is performed at the Vinski Regenerative Center clinic. Stem cells are stored in cryo tanks at -196 Celsius (190 degrees below freezing), which is done in a “closed system” or “open system”. Closed systems run independently of human operations and are fully automated, whereas open systems use human operators to adjust the process as needed. Closed systems are also referred to as quantum processes. This system is considered more efficient and sterile than an open system because it operates automatically in an isolated system and is separated from human intervention. The main concentration of stem cells comes from the umbilical cord and umbilical cord blood. Stem cells are stored in vials containing 20 million cells or more. The administration of stem cells for therapeutic purposes depends on the type and severity of the disease, as this determines the number of stem cells required.
The stem cell dose is combination by measuring the patient’s, body weight (in kilograms) multiplying it by a factor of one million and additional other condition like DM, hormonal deficiency. For example, the dose for a person weighing 70 kg is 70 million stem cells (70 x 1,000,000). The allogenic nature of stem cells allows replacement and restoration of damaged cells at the target location of recovery (Catarino et al., 2020). The dosage is also influenced by the number of cells damaged and needing to be restored. The quality of recovery depends on the dose. For example, a stem cell pack containing 20 million stem cells may have minimal effects, while a higher dose will be more effective for severe conditions.
Six months after each round of stem cell therapy, patient progress is monitored to determine treatment efficacy. The treatment used for this case study is consistent with the success of stem cell treatments for diseases such as Prader-Willi syndrome, autism, and several other diseases. The theory underlying this case study is that stem cells have regenerative properties that can rejuvenate and replace damaged cell tissue, and because of their allogenic nature, stem cells can be applied to any part of the body (Tatullo et al., 2020).
Case study
Basic characteristics of participants
- Patient A, Female , 59 yo
Symptoms before therapy : 17 years taking medicine with history Pemphigus Vulgaris, hospitalized for 5 times, frequently feeling weak, sore muscles or joint pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin rashes, intermittent fever, swelling in the joints and face, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, and tingling in the hands or feet.
Treatment Time Points Average : 12 months ( 3x therapy)
Progress after therapy :
• Patient A has been free from drugs for 2 years.
• Blood sugar levels become normal, the blisters on Bengasur’s skin disappear.
• Muscle strength returns
• Able to walk long distances
• Skin becomes healthier - Patient B, Female, 53 yo
Symptoms before therapy : Osteoarthritis grade 3 with pain level 8 (severe pain), inflamation of left toe, frequently feeling weak, redness and swelling in the joints, especially the joints of the fingers, the knee joint feels painful when used for activities, such as walking for a long time, going up and down stairs or squatting.
Treatment Time Points Average : 12 months ( 3x therapy)
Progress after therapy :
• Normal cortical outline, no bone defect is detected.
• Irregulerity of the right subchondral bone layer at the adjacent 4th 5th tarsometatarsal joint, associated with mild capsular distension and joint effusion.
• Other tarsometatarsal joint in the 1st, 2nd ,3rd fingers appeared normal.
• Adjacent flexor and extensor tendons appeared normal.
• CFUS: No evidence of increase vascularization around the affected joints as well as tendon-tendon sheaths.
• Plantar plates revealed intact.
• Soft tissue appeared normal.
• Currently there is no sign of active inflammation in the joint as well as tendon-tendon sheath.
• The arthritis and capsular distention is slightly reduced.
• The body feels lighter and fresher, strong enough to walk long distances.
The properties and characteristics of quantum stem cells, apart from proliferation and differentiation, stem cells also secrete or release cytokines or dissolved substances which contain many anti-inflammatory substances, as well as substances which contain ingredients to stimulate dormant cells, and also to grow blood vessels, and activation of regeneration as well as for homing home to tissues or organs that require it. So in this case study, quantum stem cells appear to be able to improve the symptoms felt by the patient for the better because the stem cells regenerate damaged cells related to autoimmune disease. The effects of quantum stem cell therapy are different for each patient and depend on the condition of each patient, but almost all patients experience changes for the better.
By carefully collecting and analyzing the data, we discovered a number of useful findings. Age, gender, and symptoms of various types of autoimmune diseases were the basic characteristics of our analysis. Throughout the investigation, interesting changes in immune cell populations emerged. Natural cell regeneration proves the potential of quantum stem cell therapy to influence the body’s immune balance. Although these results are encouraging, their significance requires thorough contextualization within the broader context of autoimmune disease management.
This chapter concludes our investigation and analysis of the effectiveness of Autoimmune Treatment with Quantum Stem Cells and in an effort to advance our understanding of this new therapeutic approach, we conducted a comprehensive investigation into the potential benefits of quantum stem cells. Autoimmune diseases represent a heterogeneous group of disorders with individual genetic, environmental, and etiological factors. Autoimmune is defined as an immune response to a tissue’s own antigens caused by loss of tolerance. The prospect of exploiting the innate properties of quantum stem cells for immune modulation represents a new front in the fight against autoimmune diseases, as researchers continue to investigate their therapeutic potential. Our analysis of the potential of quantum stem cells has revealed tantalizing clues about new therapeutic pathways for autoimmune diseases. This study serves as a springboard that demonstrates the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific inquiry, and collective commitment to advancing medical knowledge. In the future, treating patients with this technology will become relatively routine because this technology has progressed relatively rapidly, and more research is being carried out, especially on stem cells from the umbilical cord.
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