Budget Presentation
You are expected to prepare two presentations. A brief in-class presentation (5 points) and a more detailed video presentation (5 points).
In-class presentation
The in-class presentation will be delivered in week 15 class in the form of a brief presentation of your Excel model. You are expected to present 3 scenarios of your budget – realistic (scenario, that will be described in detail in the assignment), pessimistic scenario (one (or more) variable is worse than you expected), and optimistic (one (or more) variable is better than you expected).
Variables you will be able to change are at least (but not limited) to raw material prices, amount of sales, price of the product, number of direct workers, and labor costs (salary of the direct workers).
Use a mind map structure to present your project. You may use online tools. Example of the mind map is here https://mm.tt/app/map/3126001877?t=f2kfxQiyta
The maximum length of your presentation is 6 minutes in total. All team members must be delivering the presentation.
The presentation will be structured as follows:
Team member number one – brief introduction of the project, basic assumptions, major outcomes (profits, cash flows, NPV…)
Team member number two – a pessimistic scenario – major risk factors, variables change
Team member number three – an optimistic scenario – major space for positive development, variables change
All team members – conclusion, comment on comparison of major outcomes
A major goal of your presentation is to present your project and to point out the major factors, that are the most risky in the project and how they could potentially threaten the project or on the other side help the project to be even better than expected.
You will be presenting only the mind map (plus it can be connected to some excel sheets with graphs), no slides, no papers/notes, you have to know your part of the speech by heart. Be prepared for QAs. Similar qualities as in the video presentation are expected.
Required qualities of your video presentation
• precisely selected information (select the most important facts – no need to enlist all the info)
• up-to-date information
• good analysis of provided information
• free speech (pls do not use any notes)
• observation of the time limit
• good articulation
• use of vocabulary that is easy to understand
• slow & controlled speech
• eye contact with the camera
• movement; gesticulation; action..
• smile
Business Plan in-class Presentation assessment
Components % of Grade
Presentation skills 40%
Relevancy of the provided information 30%
Expertise (arguments, QAs) 30%
TOTAL 100%
In-class presentation will be graded as one piece i.e. the same grade for all team members.
Video presentation
The presentation should take max 10 minutes and will introduce your project incl. the results of the capital budgeting and breakeven point calculations incl. their consequences.
All team members must be actively presenting, the time span for each team member will be more or less the same. You will not use any slides however you may show parts of your Excel if you find it useful. Excel share time will not exceed 50% of your total presentation time. Presented data will be brief, clear, and persuasive, to the point.
You may also present some data in the form of a paper poster(s) or write on the whiteboard, you may also add further effects such as subtitles. Your presentation will be recorded (video) and uploaded to some free service (youtube for example). You have to upload to the IS the document file with the link.
Budget Video Presentation Assessment
Components % of Grade
Presentation skills 30%
Provided information 30%
Expertise (analysis, arguments) 40%
TOTAL 100%
Video presentation assessment will be individual (each team member will be graded separately).
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