Client System

Students will practice engaging group participants in psychoeducation.

Your group members are your participants and you are the clinician. You should develop your practice presentation around the “client-system” you wrote about in your previous paper on interventions. This means the group will take on the roles you assign them (if you prefer working with individuals then you will present as if there is one individual present, if you prefer families you will present as if your group members are a family…). Engage your participant(s) through psychoeducation (either as a stand-alone intervention or in relation to another intervention). Participant(s) should be “in character” and respond with questions, concerns, etc. Group members will then switch roles. Each round should last 10-15 minutes.

prepare a well thought out clinical vignette
(30 points)

demonstrate knowledge of the underlying intervention and how to engage clients in psychoeducation.
(70 points)

Afterwards, we will write a reflection. These are the questions that we will be answering, so they may be good to keep in mind while preparing.

Each student must submit an individual reflection (one page) on how they engage the patient population they represented in the presentation. What are the implications of this exercise for your practice? What would you adopt or modify in the way you engage your patient population that would help you access the group dynamic and roles?

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