A coordinating structure is composed of representatives from multiple departments or agencies and public and/or private sector organizations who are able to facilitate the preparedness and delivery of capabilities. Coordinating structures ensure ongoing communication and coordination among Federal agencies and corresponding local, state, tribal, and territorial authorities and nonprofit and private sector organizations, as applicable. Coordinating structures bring together those entities involved in conducting activities and operations to address the requirements of the mission and serve both a readiness and an operational role. The functions and benefits provided by these coordinating structures are not necessarily limited to Prevention; many coordinating structures also support the Protection, Response, and Recovery mission areas.
Coordinating structures facilitate problem solving, improve access to resources, and foster coordination and information sharing. Departments or agencies, as well as private and nonprofit entities, with unique missions in Prevention bring additional capabilities to bear through these structures. Coordinating structures can function on multiple levels, to include national-level coordinating structures, such as the DHS NOC, the FBI SIOC, NCTC, the DOD National Military Command Center (NMCC), the FBI NJTTF, the NCIJTF, and others. Field coordinating structures, such as the FBI JTTFs and FIGs; state and major urban area fusion centers; state and local counterterrorism and intelligence units; and others also play a critical role as coordinating structures for the prevention of imminent acts of terrorism. These coordinating structures are scalable, flexible, and adaptable. Staffing and location can be tailored to address specific terrorist threats.
While not a complete list, the following structures play key roles in delivering the Prevention core capabilities. At the end of each coordinating structure is a short list of core capabilities most relevant to that coordinating structure that delivers the listed capabilities. The capabilities listed are not intended to be exhaustive.
Local and Regional Coordinating Structures
Joint Operations Center
The Joint Operations Center (JOC) is a multijurisdictional interagency investigative and intelligence operations center led by the FBI On-scene Commander (OSC) and supported by a multiagency command group. The JOC is the place from which the FBI leads and coordinates law enforcement investigations, intelligence activities, and counterterrorism in response to terrorist threats or incidents. The FBI OSC establishes the JOC within a regional area of responsibility; the OSC is the designated senior FBI representative responsible for leading and coordinating all law enforcement and investigative operations to prevent or resolve terrorist threats or incidents and for preserving evidence for subsequent criminal prosecution. Additionally, for National Special Security Events (NSSE), the JOC is suspended in watch mode and is supported by an Intelligence Operations Center (IOC). The IOC leads and coordinates the law enforcement intelligence activities and analysis to deter, detect, and prevent threats related to the security of an NSSE. The JOC is staffed by Federal departments and agencies; local, state, tribal, territorial, and insular area law enforcement agencies; private industry, and other entities as may be appropriate.
Core Capabilities: Intelligence and Information Sharing; Screening, Search, and Detection; Interdiction and Disruption; Forensics and Attribution; Operational Coordination; Planning.
Joint Terrorism Task Forces
JTTFs are FBI-led multijurisdictional task forces established to conduct terrorism-related investigations and are based in 103 cities nationwide. FBI JTTFs focus primarily on terrorism-related issues, with specific regard to terrorism investigations with local, regional, national, and international implications. Investigations conducted by JTTFs are focused on known threat actors or identified individuals who meet the thresholds established in accordance with the Attorney General’s Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations to initiate assessments or investigations.
FBI JTTFs respond to WMD threats and other terrorism threats, bringing the law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence communities’ counter-WMD capabilities to bear, ensuring that the whole of government is ready to respond to WMD threats if/when they emerge. This involves the development of comprehensive plans and policy at the strategic and operational levels that inform leaders, decision makers, and counterterrorism professionals about specific responsibilities and courses of action.
FBI JTTFs also conduct terrorism-related investigations and resolve reports of possible terrorism activity submitted from the public. This occurs via the FBI’s Guardian system and the FBI’s
e-Guardian system, which is one of the reporting mechanisms for law enforcement agencies to share SAR information within the NSI.
Core Capabilities: Intelligence and Information Sharing; Screening, Search, and Detection; Interdiction and Disruption; Forensics and Attribution; Operational Coordination.
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