AY25 8672 TPFDD Practical Exercise
Background: The overall objective of 8672 TPFDD instruction is to develop a student’s ability to ensure time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) properly supports the deployment plan for a given unit. It is the very same requirement that will be placed on students when they are assigned as operations officers for a battalion or squadron. In such a billet, the officer will NOT typically be required to generate TPFDD data; rather, he/she must be able to review generated TPFDD entries and validate that they are consistent with the intended concept of deployment, employment, and redeployment.
This objective can be translated into specific requirements for students. Namely, given a known concept of deployment, employment, and redeployment for which TPFDD entries have been created:
(1) “Translate” a TPFDD entry into a narrative that explains in layman’s terms what the entry represents in respect to time, location, and movement means.
(2) Identify aspects of the TPFDD entry that are inconsistent with the intended concept of deployment, employment, and redeployment.
Students will be evaluated on these requirements during the upcoming TPFDD Exam.
Skills Required: In order to meet the two requirements listed above, students must develop the following skills:
(1) A clear understanding of TPFDD terminology (e.g., ALD, RLD, POE, etc.), to include what each term represents and how they relate to each other.
(2) The ability to translate “C-days” into calendar dates when C000 is specified and to confirm that the timing sequence of a TPFDD entry is feasible.
(3) The ability to interpret mode/source (M/S) codes to ensure transportation means specified in a TPFDD entry are consistent with the intended means of transportation outlined in a concept of deployment or redeployment.
(4) The ability to confirm the correct usage of geographic location codes in a TPFDD entry, to include the interpretation of installation type codes.
References: The “TPFDD Reference Sheet (One-Pager)” provides students a simple summary document of the organization and meaning of information contained within TPFDD entries. The “TPFDD PE Reference Material” file provides students the means to interpret TPFDD data entries. Students are also encouraged to reference the example and accompanying video provided in the reading under “Verifying a TPFDD.”
Student Exercise: A TPFDDD verification exercise can be found on the following pages.
Overview: In the paragraphs below, students are provided the intended concept for deployment, along with a series of proposed TPFDD entries to support execution. Students are required to translate each entry into a narrative and identify any required corrections.
Scenario: You are the operations officer for 1st Battalion, 1st Marines. Having served as the battalion’s primary representative in exercise planning events over the last many months, you are thoroughly familiar with the concept of deployment for the exercise. It is summarized as follows:
CENTCOM has requested a reinforced rifle company to act as the opposing force (OPFOR) in support of the 15th MEU’s upcoming theater amphibious combat rehearsal (TACR) at Camp Buehring, Kuwait. The 15th MEU is already deployed aboard the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group. 1/1 has been tasked to provide a reinforced rifle company to act as the OPFOR. 1st MARDIV has provided an Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) platoon and a Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) platoon to augment the rifle company.
B 1/1 (Rein) will deploy in three movements from its garrison location aboard Camp Pendleton: CARGO (vehicles and ALL equipment), the advanced party (ADVON) and a MAIN BODY. All forces and equipment must be on deck at the Kuwait Training Areas NLT 11 September 202X. The exercise is scheduled to start on the morning of 12 September.
Your CARGO is planned to move by sea via Military Sealift Command (MSC) shipping. Upon arrival at the port of Ash Shuwaykh, it will be transported by the Kuwaitis to the training area. To properly support the ADVON, you have decided that your CARGO movement must be on deck at the training area NLT seven days prior to the start of the exercise.
The ADVON is also planned to arrive at the training area NLT seven days prior to the start of the exercise. (The CARGO and ADVON do NOT have to arrive on the same day.) As there are only 12 Marines in the ADVON, they will not move by AMC strategic airlift; rather, they will use TRANSCOM-funded commercial air, flying between the San Diego and Kuwait City international airports. Upon arrival at Kuwait City, the ADVON will be moved to the training area via CENTCOM (i.e., the supported commander) arranged vehicle transportation.
The MAIN BODY is planned to move via strategic air from March Air Force Base to Ali Al Salem Airbase. Once on the deck in Ali Al Salem Airbase, the Marines will be moved to the training area via host-nation controlled transportation.
C-Day is 1 August 202X. Your home station is MCB Camp Pendleton, CA.
TPFDD Validation. You have provided this concept of deployment, personnel counts, vehicle and equipment movement requirements, and other supporting information to the 1st Marines Regimental MAGTF Planner, Staff Sergeant Whyuchek. In turn, he has drafted the following three initial TPFDD entries (one for each of the movements) for your review and concurrence prior to submission.
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