Effects of African Culture on Western Countries

This final take-home exam is worth 20% of final grade and consists of one essay question. Please choose one of two questions from the choices below. The essay must be 7-8 pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins, and properly cited using Chicago Style. Structure your answers in terms of paragraphs with an introduction, body, and concluding paragraphs. The last sentence of each introduction should be a thesis statement, that is your main argument, while the first sentence of your conclusion should restate or paraphrase your thesis. For more information on writing responses, please review Skills Workshop 10: Paper Writing Tips. Grammar counts and you should focus on these Four Grammar Habits for grading and to improve writing style generally.
All Submissions will undergo extensive checking for plagiarism. Please review the Syllabus Statements, especially in relation to usages of new AI text generators and other technology.
Question 1
In reference to the videos posted in Discussion 13.1: Bata Drums in the Atlantic World and Discussion 13.2: Vodun, Vodou, or Voodoo?, what was the legacy of West African cultures in the Americas? Discuss the continuities and discontinuities of Yoruba and Fon culture from West Africa in the Americas in terms of processes of creolization or transculturation. Briefly discuss migratory patterns in terms of the histories of expansion and collapse of the kingdoms of Dahomey and Oyo as it relates to www.slavevoyages.org.
Question 2
While referencing “Early Life,” in David Fiske, Clifford W. Brown and Rachel Seligman, Solomon Northup: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years a Slave, (2013), discuss what we know about the Northup families – that is the Northups of European descent and the Northups of African descent. Using www.slavevoyages.org, discuss whether it is possible to determine the African origins of Solomon Northup’s African ancestors? Explain why or why not in the context of the disappearance of African cultures during processes of creolization or transculturation.

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