Improving Patient Services

In my Capstone Leadership Project, my goal is to enhance the application of the “Stop and Watch” tool at our skilled nursing facility. Nurses can use “Stop and Watch” to report changes that require the attention of a higher staff member because, if not addressed early, it may lead to worse occurrences like infection or skin breakdown. “Stop and Watch” is a good protocol, but for some reason, its implementation at our facility has not been as proper as it should be. In my project, I aim to make sure that the staff uses this tool correctly and effectively and with frequency since this tool can help detect any issues and prevent cases of re-admission. The project also includes data on standards of care like self-reported in-patient UTIs, in-house pressure ulcers, and hospital re-admission rates. We will begin using the Stop and Watch tool for all new admissions, as CNAs will be asked to fill it out by the end of every shift and reviewed by the charge nurse. The nurse will be going over the form with the CNAs once a week to identify any changes in patient conditions. It would also assist in detecting early signs of alteration of a patient’s status using a timeline. Ideally, the tool would show reduced numbers in these areas within 30 days of its use after a survey has been conducted (O’Reilly et al., 2020).
The benefits of this project may help improve patient care in our facility because there will likely be better access to specialized care that aims to address certain illnesses and patient needs as soon as possible (Flaubert, 2021). I always consider concerns regarding the efficient enlisting of all the staff members and assuring the effective and consistent usage of the tool. However, I am determined to address these challenges. Some of these are effective verbal and written communication skills as well as conflict solving, which will be paramount as I will be undertaking staff training. By working on this project, I am bringing leadership skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, and team building. However. I want to enhance my management skills and better understand how the strategies for managing and administrating quality improvement could be successfully implemented and maintained.

Flaubert, J. L. (2021). The Role of Nurses in Improving Health Care Access and Quality. In National Academies Press (US).
O’Reilly, S., Mooney, A., Hopkins, A., Fitzpatrick, M., & Shanahan, F. (2020). “STOP AND WATCH”: An Early Warning Tool for Recognizing Deterioration CHAMPION PARTNER ENABLE DEMONSTRATE

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