Labor and Employment Assignment

There are 3 assignments. Choose ONLY One to complete. On your paper, please indicate which option you have selected.

Option One Assignment:

  • Go to DiversityInc (Links to an external site.) and search for “ Things Never to Say to Women Executives.” You may also search other relevant websites or use personal experiences to complete this assignment (things you have heard said to other women in the workplace, or you have personally experienced).
  • After reading the articles, explain how these statements undermine (or do not undermine) women as leaders in organizations. How should they be handled? Or can they be addressed at all? As stated above, you may also add other things that have been said to you or you have heard it being said to other women. Please cite the articles you have used.
  • Word limit is 500.

Option Two Assignment:

Read the “First Union Case: Lessons in the Politics of Space”  Download “First Union Case: Lessons in the Politics of Space”and answer the following questions, word limit 700:

  1. Make a list of all the factors that may have contributed to the walls coming down in Meg’s office ( for example, organizational culture, power dynamics, personal factors, and her use of power tactics).
  2. If you were Meg’s friend or mentor, how would you help Meg understand her current situation? Do you think she could have done anything differently to prevent this series of events?
  3. If you were Meg, how might you view your predicament? What would you do now? How might Meg’s co-workers view her predicament?
  4. Given her power base, her organization’s strategic focus, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s attention on First Union, and her track record with the company, what do you think are her long-term prospects? Please explain.

Option Three Assignment:

  • What are the costs and benefits to a company of providing full benefits and training to those employees who work part-time?
  • What risks do employees take when they make use of their companies’ work-life policies? Are these risks the same for men and women?
  • Word Limit 500

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