Leadership Qualities


• Drew Dudley. Everyday leadership (6:01 minutes)Links to an external site..
o Transcript included with video
• Roselinde Torres, PhD. What it takes to be a great leader (9:07 minutes)Links to an external site..
o Transcript included with video
After viewing these, write a three-to four-page personal reflection. Include:

  1. How has your employer prepared you to be a great leader? If not, how could this be improved?
    I am currently employed as a Psychiatric Mental health Nurse Practitioner in a Florida Department Correctional system (Prison), first leadership role as a new grad- 6 months employed. Could offer leadership development programs/workshops.
  2. Do you feel prepared to lead at this point in your career? Why? Why not?
    At, times I feel prepared, others I do not, new to being a provider. My employer mandates a weekly collaboration call where providers can ask clinical question/present cases.
  3. What are the definitions of and differences between the roles of management and leadership?
  4. Which foundational theory best “fits” your perception of effective leadership?
    All statements should be supported with critically reviewed literature/references versus personal opinion. Though third person writing is considered a scholarly requirement, this is a personal reflection paper and first-person academic writing is permitted.

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