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This assignment provides an opportunity for diagnosing, evaluating, and addressing mathematical abilities in elementary students as well as analyzing personal practices in utilizing the results of various assessment procedures in designing individualized mathematical instruction for elementary students.
Task: The focus is on Collecting Data and identifying Error Patterns. You will:
- Create a rubric to grade Madi’s quiz below.
- Score the provided student work sample.
- Identify the student’s strengths and error patterns.
- Determine the student’s readiness level for mathematical performance
- Design learning and performance strategies to address higher-order thinking skills in mathematics for this student
After completing the scoring of this student’s work, write a summary that includes the following information:
- Student name and age
- Identification and a brief description of the testing instrument
- Specific results of each assessment, including scores and level of performance
- Overall statement of the student’s mathematical strengths and instructional needs
- (See above: Design learning and performance strategies to address higher-order thinking skills in mathematics for this student)
- Analysis and reflection on personal practices in assessing mathematical performance in elementary students (pay attention to the use of traditional assessment and authentic assessment measures in evaluating elementary student performance in mathematics).
Scoring Rubric
Form/style/accuracy/conventions 2 points
Background information (age, grade, etc.) 2 points
Scoring rubric 2 points
Student’s readiness level 2 points
Appropriate scoring of assessment materials 4 points
Identifying strengths 4 points
Identifying student error patterns 6 points
Learning and performance strats/higher-order skills 4 points
Analysis of data 8 points
Reflection: Instructional application/personal practices 10 points
Instructional planning for ESOL/LEP 4 points
Completeness of Assignment 2 points
Summer Activity ONLY
Mathematics: Identifying and Addressing Student Errors (Case Studies)
#1. Background Student:
Madi, age 8, is a bright and energetic third-grader with a specific learning disability in math. Her
class just finished a chapter on money, and her teacher, Ms. Brooks, was pleased with Madison’s
performance. Ms. Brooks believes that Madison’s success was largely due to the fact that she
used play money to teach concepts related to money. As is noted in Madison’s individualized
education program (IEP), she more easily grasps concepts when using concrete objects (i.e.,
manipulatives such as play coins and dollar bills). To build on this success, Ms. Brooks again
used concrete objects—in this case, cardboard clocks with movable hands—to teach the chapter
on telling time. The class is now halfway through that chapter, and to Ms. Brooks’
disappointment, Madi seems to be struggling with this concept. Consequently, Ms. Brooks
decides to conduct an error analysis on Madi’s most recent quiz.
Task: The focus is on Collecting Data and identifying Error Patterns
· Create a rubric to grade Madi’s quiz below.
· Score the provided student work sample.
· Identify the student’s strengths and error patterns.
· Determine the student’s readiness level for mathematical performance
· Design learning and performance strategies to address higher-order thinking skills in
mathematics for this student
After completing the scoring of this student’s work, write a summary that includes the following
o Student name and age
o Identification and a brief description of the testing instrument
o Specific results of each assessment, including scores and level of performance
o Overall statement of the student’s mathematical strengths and instructional needs
o Analysis and reflection on personal practices in assessing mathematical
performance in elementary students (pay attention to the use of traditional
assessment and authentic assessment measures in evaluating elementary student
performance in mathematics).
Student work Sample (Madi)
Case Study #2
Background: Shay, age 9, and his family just moved to a new school district. His grade 4
math class is currently learning how to add and subtract fractions with unlike
denominators. Shay’s math teacher, Mr. Holden, is concerned because Shay is
performing poorly on assignments and quizzes. Before he can provide instruction to
target Shay’s skill deficits or conceptual misunderstandings, he needs to determine why
Shay is having difficulty. For this reason, he decides to conduct an error analysis to
discover what type of errors Shay is making.
Task: The focus is on Collecting Data, identifying Error Patterns, and Word Problems
· Create a rubric to grade Shay’s quiz below.
· Score the provided student work sample.
· Identify the student’s strengths and error patterns.
· Discuss at least three possible reasons for Shayla’s error pattern.
· Determine each student’s readiness level for mathematical performance
· Design learning and performance strategies to address higher-order thinking skills in
mathematics for this student
After completing the scoring of this student’s work, write a summary that includes the following
o Student name and ages
o Identification and a brief description of testing instrument
o Specific results of each assessment, including scores and level of performance
o Overall statement of the student’s mathematical strengths and instructional needs
o Analysis and reflection on personal practices in assessing mathematical performance in
elementary students (pay attention to the use of traditional assessment and authentic
assessment measures in evaluating elementary student performance in mathematics).
You will:
- Working with elementary students (either in the classroom or via Best Practices, ensure there is an ESOL/LEP student);
- Select, administer, and score a diagnostic mathematics test to determine each student mathematical abilities;
- Determine each student’s readiness level for mathematical performance;
- Determine the language level of the ESOL student for instructional purposes;
- Design learning and performance strategies to address higher order thinking skills in mathematics for the two students;
- For each student,
- identify a mathematics objective based on the initial diagnostic results,
- design and implement developmentally-appropriate tasks related to the objectives,
- construct and score a teacher-made test to measure each student’s achievement of the identified mathematics objectives; and
- Develop a sample mathematics portfolio for the ESOL/LEP subject, include a rubric for assessing the overall portfolio.
After completing the administration and scoring of the above assessment tools, write a summary that includes the following information:
- Students’ names and ages;
- Date(s) of testing;
- Identification and brief description of testing instruments;
- Specific results of testing/assessment, including scores and level of performance;
- Overall statement of each student’s mathematical strengths and instructional needs;
- Analysis and reflection on personal practices in assessing mathematical performance in elementary student subjects;
- Description and reflective analysis of procedures used in reporting the performance results to student subjects and their parents, particularly addressing the issue of confidentiality in reporting test scores;
- Description and reflective analysis of how you plan and evaluate instructional outcomes for elementary students in math, recognizing the effects of race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion on the results;
- Position statement focusing on the use of traditional (tests) and authentic (student portfolio) assessment measures in evaluating elementary student performance in mathematics.
Total Value: 50 Points
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