Native American Art

Each essay should be three pages double spaced, so the exam will be six pages long. All essays must be in a single document in order to upload to

Please site the sources I gave to you also please use intext citation and used sources. is the plagiarism source I used for this exam please try your best not to type word for word in a site our source.
You may use simple citations—(Gardner, Chapter 18) (CCH, pp. 31-32) (Joyce Panopto Maya) (Dongoske et al Hopi Zuni Study Guide) and so on. You must credit your sources. Failure to cite sources and cite them at the point of reference is plagiarism.

In Chase, Chase, and Haviland’s article, “The Classic Maya City: Reconsidering the “Mesoamerican Urban Tradition” in American Anthropologist, n.s. 92, 2 (1990) 499-506, the authors challenge paradigms that previous scholars have applied to Maya cities and urban development. Summarize the models that earlier scholars have suggested and discuss how Chase, Chase, and Haviland (CCH) argue their alternative viewpoints. What conclusions do they reach? Discuss why many people perceive the Maya to be one of the most “civilized” peoples in the Americas. Why is this article relevant to the study of so-called “non-Western” peoples?

Dongoske, Yeatts, Anyon, and Ferguson (D. et al) in “Archaeological Cultures and Cultural Affiliation: Hopi and Zuni Perspectives in the American Southwest” in American Antiquity 62, 4 (1997) 600-608 suggest that “archaeologists and Native Americans apply different concepts to classify ancient groups of people who lived in the past.” (D. et al, 600). Discuss how and why these viewpoints–one scientific, one lived–differ. Briefly discuss the Hopi and Zuni accounts of their origins and movements. What elements of these accounts are emphasized? In what ways are the Hopi and Zuni similar or different in their cultural identity and artistic output. What suggestions do the authors offer for the future? How does this relate to NAGPRA legislation? What are the larger implications of this study and how can we apply these strategies to other so-called “non-Western” peoples?

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