Noise and Sound Level Meter

The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to measure the sound pressure levels of various noise sources and to see how different conditions can change or affect the noise levels measured. You should use the table below to record the data for your Week-11 Report (see page 4).

Task 1. – CALIBRATION- Watch Video for reference on how to calibrate

How to Calibrate an Edge Noise Dosimeter – YouTube

Task 2. Download a sound level meter app of your preference to a smart phone.
For the homework this week I would like you to download a smart phone application for a sounds level meter. There are a few free options below for both apple iphone and android. If you have a different type of phone please let me know.
Iphone options- NIOSH Sound Level Meter, Decibel X, Decibel Meter, Decibel, Sound Meter
Android options- Decibel X, Too Noisy, SPL Meter, Sound Meter and Noise Detector
If you are not able to complete this task please email professor for sample data.
• Open the sound monitoring application on your smart phone
• Pick a noise source. Examples include hair dryer, blender, speaker, radio, yelling roommate, television….etc
• Place the meter approximately 12 inches a noise source of your preference and record the background noise with the “noise source” on off mode.
• Next record the noise level at that distance with the “noise source” on.
• Turn off the noise source.
• Open the sound monitoring application on your smart phone
• Pick 2 noise sources. These can be 2 of the same noise sources or 2 different noise sources. Make sure to document what you are using for each noise source.
• Place the meter approximately 12 inches away and turn on the noise source #1 and record the noise level.
• Turn on the noise source #2 and record the noise level.
• Now turn on both noise levels and record the total noise level.
• Open the sound monitoring application on your smart phone
• Place the meter approximately 12 inches from a noise source of your preference and record the background noise with the “noise source” on off mode.

• Turn on the noise source and record the noise level at a measuring distance of
o 2 feet
o 4 feet
o 8 feet


Complete and submit your Week-11 Report using the link posted in the Week-11 Block (Moodle).

Provide at least one specific conclusion based on what you observed and the sound level measurement results recorded for Demos 2 and 3

Your conclusion(s) must be supported by the recorded data.

• To get full credit, you must show your work and use the OSHA Table G-16 A (see next page).

What would a worker’s 8-hr TWA noise dose be if…

• They are using a circular saw to cut wood during their employment for 6 hours daily.

• Each one of the 80 cuts took 6 seconds to complete.

• You can assume that the noise level is 96 dBA is the level they would be exposed to when for the total time that they are actually cutting the wood (use Table G-16A to find the allowable exposure time at this level).

• During the remainder of the 8-hour work shift (no cutting) their noise level is 80 dBA (use Table G-16A).

Calculate 8 Hour TWA noise dose (D) using the following formula. Please show your work.

Calculate Leq for an 8 hour work day using the following equation. Please show your work.

EHS-4200 Week-11 Report
Noise and Sound Level Measurements Name ______________________

Demo – 1 –
Location, Source Description and Conditions Distance Background dBA Sound Level dBA

Demo-1: List the noise source

Demo 2.
Location, Source Description and Conditions Distance Background dBA Sound Level dBA

Demo-2: Multiple Noise Sources Measured- List them both


Demo 3
Location, Source Description and Conditions Distance Background dBA Sound Level dBA

Demo-3: Noise Source at Increasing Distances


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