
The case study should be 1500 words minimum in length.

  1. Read all you can about your assigned organism and disease state from reputable peer-reviewed sources.
  2. Create an original case study using your knowledge of the symptoms, testing strategies, and disease processes.  
  3. Include as many of the following as feasible:
    1. Patient presentation – Demographics, initial complaint
    2. Clinical history – Travel, pertinent family history, unusual symptoms
    3. Clinical testing – Include specimen collection, results
    4. Diagnosis – Include enough information for your classmates to be able to narrow their focus to include one or a very limited range of diagnoses and causative organism.  Do not include the diagnosis or causative organism in your case presentation.
    5. Visual aids – Include a minimum of two visual aids in your case; potential examples include photographs of symptoms, lab results, or other items related to your case.  Remember to conceal any information in the illustration that you do not want revealed to the class.
    6. References – Use a variety of reference sources (not just websites), making sure they are legitimate authorities on your topic. References should be in a standard format (MLA or APA) and include all of the sources where you found the information to construct the case study.
    7. Questions – Four to six questions (multiple choice, true/false, short answer, or matching)  relating to your case.  The initial question usually elicits possible diagnoses and causative organisms.  Other question topics include:  additional suggested testing, testing methodologies, etiology, treatment, prevention, specimen of choice, collection protocol, specimen processing, risk factors.

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