Public Health Issues

Project Instructions and Grading Guidelines
Description: Students will research a public health issue and prepare a digital presentation and paper designed to educate the audience on the issue and recommend an intervention plan for addressing the issue. This information will be delivered via a 10–15-minute digital presentation, along with a 2–3-page paper. The details required for both the presentation and paper are outlined below. *NOTE: make sure you have chosen an issue related to PUBLIC, not individual health. This must be an issue that is of concern in our communities, and you need to be able to make a case for why it should be addressed. If you have questions about this distinction, please reach out to your instructor for assistance.

  1. Pick a public health issue about which you would like to learn more. You may use topics we have discussed in class or pick another topic of interest. Research your topic and review the information we have covered in class on Public Health approaches and interventions.
  2. Prepare a 10-15 minute, narrated digital presentation for your instructor that includes the information detailed below. Narration may be audio only or video and audio. You may use any presentation software you would like as long as the presentation includes visual slides (content outlined in the grading rubric) and I am able to access the content. I do recommend using STUDIO in canvas to create the presentation. I have provided a video with instructions on how to do this on the Project Tutorial Videos page. The presentation should include:
    • Introduction to the topic: Define and describe your public health issue. Include data/statistics to describe 2 key points related to this issue. Make a case as to why this issue should be important to others based on data (at least one slide required).
    • Overview of the Public Health Issue: Give a brief overview of the issue and why it is a problem we that needs to be addressed. This should include prevalence, statistics, and populations affected by the issue (gender, age, ethnicity, special populations). Must include at least three (3) significant data points to support your argument for this is an issue that needs to be addressed (at least 3 slides required).
    • Public Health Organization Highlights: Provided detailed information on 2 public health organizations that have programs to address your chosen public health issue. The information on each organization should include a brief description of the services/programs offered related to the issue, as well as the populations served by the programs/services (at least 4 slides – 2 per organization – required)
    • Intervention Plan: Consider the public health approaches we have covered in this class and provide a plan for a NEW intervention to address this public health issue in a population/community of your choosing. Your plan should include the public health approach you are choosing to take, the target population (ex: ethnic group, age group, gender group, etc.) and target community, key highlights of your recommended program, and a plan for implementing the program in your chosen community. (at least 4 slides required)
    • Conclusion: Add a “take home” message for your public health issue that includes 2-3 key points to summarize your presentation. (at least 1 slide required)
    • Citation Information: Provide a works cited slide that contains citation information for all sources used to develop the presentation (including AI generated content). Citation format should be APA or MLA style. (1 slide required)
  3. Write a 2–3-page paper that describes, in detail, your recommended intervention plan for this public health issue. Your paper should outline the entire program proposed to include the public health approach you are choosing to take, the target population (ex: ethnic group, age group, gender group, etc.) and target community, key highlights of your recommended program, and a plan for implementing the program in your chosen community. Your paper must also include proper citation for all sources used (including any AI generated content). The format should be APA or MLA style.
    This project is worth 150 points. Detailed Grading Guidelines are provided in the GRADING RUBRIC provided. Please make sure you review these guidelines thoroughly and let me know if you have any questions about the project requirements.
    USE of AI: For this project, it is OK to use AI if you would like assistance in formulating an outline for some sections of your presentation as well as for assistance in formulating a idea/plan for your intervention recommendation. You must still follow the grading guidelines for this project and be sure to include all required criteria. AI will be less useful for the section on Public Health resources and for the portion of your intervention plan that requires you to identify a target population in your community. Any AI source you use should be properly cited in your presentation and paper, along with proper citation of any other sources you use to complete the project.

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