
Your textbook has quite a bit of scattered information on viruses (e.g., their structure, how they replicate, and their involvement in some plant and animal cancers). Using a virus as your “model organism”, please write an essay (600-800 words not including your citations) paper summarizing this course (i.e., their suspected origins, what they are made of, how they reproduce, arguments for/against them being alive, the different ways they store genetic information, and their interactions with prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts). You may select one specific virus as the “model organism” and topic of your paper, or you may select to cover viruses in general (speaking about all viruses as a group).

For this assignment, you will need to include and properly cite five references other than the textbook. The included PDF from Wessner (2010) will help you get started. You may use this as one of your five references.

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