M2A1 Case Study: OPM: A Case of Failed Leadership

This activity will address module outcomes 2, 4, and 5. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Analyze various leadership decisions regarding cybersecurity and determine the strengths and weaknesses of some courses of action. (CO 4)
  • Compare two forms of leadership during significant breaches to an organization. (CO 4, 5)
  • Discuss the importance of consequence management and leadership. (CO 5, 6)

In a report from Congress, one of the key failings that was documented after the OPM breach was a failure in leadership. Leaders shape culture, make decisions, and allocate resources in order to provide the best strategic outcomes for their organizations.

In the case of OPM, it was determined that a significant portion of damage and theft of national security significance could have been averted if leadership had been more responsive and directive.

In this assignment, students will examine the role of leadership at OPM and will assess if the findings have merit or not.

Read the following:n

Respond to the following:

  • What did the Congressional Report say about the failings of the leadership at the OPM? (This can be found in the early pages).
  • Analyze the roles and functions of stakeholders related to the security of the OPM.
  • Discuss the organizational culture and professional responsibility of leadership.
    • What were the strengths? Weaknesses/gaps in leadership?
    • Was security a priority?
    • Who was involved?
    • What changes were made in those areas following the breach?
    • Do you agree with the report? Explain.

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