M7D1: National Security, Ethics, and the Law

This activity will address module outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate between ethical and legal considerations related to cybersecurity. (CO 5, 6)
  • Analyze the tension between security and civil liberties and identify challenges related to some key areas of national interest. (CO 5, 6)
  • Evaluate the expectation of the government in specific cases. (CO 5, 6)
  • Identify some regulations related to collecting and safeguarding consumer information. (CO 5, 6)

In June 2015, at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) Champions of Freedom event, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook discussed the tensions between privacy and security, but restated his belief that people have a basic right to privacy. Less than a year later, there was a devastating terror attack in San Bernardino, California, and Apple and the FBI found themselves in the center of a debate between privacy and security. This is not the only case that has involved national security on one side and civil liberties on the other. The issues surrounding Snowden also brought up privacy right issues and national security concerns. Was the NSA improperly spying on US citizens? Should you trade security for fundamental freedoms? Is Snowden a hero because he informed the citizens of the United States, or is he a traitor? Though both cases represent legitimate priorities for Americans, the question remains: Can the United States provide both security and privacy to Americans when it seems that these fundamental concerns clash? Are legal and ethical issues at odds?

In this activity, you will examine this dilemma and have a chance to discuss your perspective.


Panzarino, M. (2015). Apple’s Tim Cook delivers blistering speech on encryption, privacy (Links to an external site.)TechCrunch. Retrieved from https://techcrunch.com/2015/06/02/apples-tim-cook-delivers-blistering-speech-on-encryption-privacy/

For this discussion activity, first select one of the following examples to read about and discuss:

  • Snowden


  • Apple/FBI

You may use additional source material.

Refer to the following resources for the Snowden example:

Refer to the following resources for the Apple vs. FBI example:

Examine the following before you start your discussion:

Now respond to the following questions:

  • What example did you select?
  • Describe some of the ethical and legal issues related to your topic.
  • What are some of the privacy concerns? What are the issues related to national security?
  • What are some of the broader issues? What is your perspective? Explain.

You may use outside references. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition) to cite your work.

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