M6.8 Case Study: Stuxnet

This activity will investigate a case study of the famous Stuxnet malware. It is well documented and represents a milestone in malware history as the first widely reported instance of malware “weaponized” by one nation-state against critical infrastructure in another nation-state. Highly complex and sophisticated, it took several months for security analysts to understand the operation and significance of Stuxnet. Even if the reports are not entirely true, the widespread belief that Stuxnet was intended to sabotage the Natanz uranium enrichment plant has stimulated plans among leading countries to build up their offensive and defensive cyber capabilities.

Please refer to the textbook and online resources to research about Stuxnet. Here are some suggested online references:

Write a 2 to 3 page report addressing the following questions:

  • Unlike typical malware, Stuxnet seemed to be intended for a very specific target. What was the reported target?
  • Stuxnet payload puzzled some security analysts because it was aimed at programmable logic controllers (PLCs). What did the payload attempt to do in PLCs?
  • What exploits were packaged in Stuxnet to enable it to spread to its target?

Please use 2 to 3 outside resources to support your answers.

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