Human Resource in For-Profit Organizations

Week 5 Assignment

Step 2) Assume you are for-profit sales organization for this assignment.

Step 3) Write at least at least a 1000-word memo with a minimum of 2 different peer-reviewed sources. You must address the following topics below using the subject header provided in bold:

  • Section 1- HR’s Concerns Regarding Case 1- (<–this is a section header) In Case 1, a sales associate, who is slightly above average in the number of sales, has decided to leave the company for a competitor. As the HR Manager, what are your concerns about this person’s exit from the company?
  • Section 2- Positive Turnover for Case 1- (<–this is a section header) Explain the ways this might this be positive turnover in Case 1.
  •  Section 3- Negative Turnover for Case 1- (<–this is a section header) Explain the ways this might this be negative turnover in Case 1.
  • Section 4- HR’s Concerns Regarding Case 2 (<–this is a section header) For Case 2, after training a new inspector for a year, a city decides to terminate his employment. Although the inspector is technically competent, local contractors have made many complaints about his lack of customer service and his approach to enforcement. As the HR Manager, what are your concerns about this person’s exit from the company?
  • Section 5- Positive Turnover for Case 2- (<–this is a section header) Explain the ways this might this be positive turnover in Case 2.
  • Section 6- Negative Turnover for Case 2- (<–this is a section header) Explain the ways this might this be negative turnover in Case 2
  •  Section 7- References- (<– this is a section header) your paper incorporates 2 peer-reviewed references via in-text citation in APA format. The references are also cited in full APA format in this list reference list.
  • Section 8- Grading Rubric- (<–this is a section header) contains the grading rubric.

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