Risk and Resilience

Discussion: All Over but the Shoutin’


The discussion board is an active learning opportunity where you will reflect on course content and process your learning with other students. All posts should adhere to APA guidelines. If you need more information on APA guidelines, please visit The OWL at Purdue. (Links to an external site.) This board is not an “opinion board.” Rather, it is a mechanism for you to engage with your peers as you dissect and synthesize course content. Your comments should be grounded within the literature.

***That said, this discussion board post should include at least five peer-reviewed journal articles. When using references, please include in-text citations and include your reference list at the bottom of your original post.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on concepts related to human behavior, specifically, resilience and risk and protective factors. Students will read the course memoir, All Over but the Shoutin,’ and then use information from Werner and Smith (pp. 36–37) and their own research to then formulate a response to the question. The original post should be approximately 750 words.

  • Werner, E., & Smith, R. (2001). Studying lives over time. In E. Werner & R. Smith, Journeys from childhood to midlife (pp. 25–37). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
  • Bragg, R. (1997). All Over But Shoutin.

Read the book, All Over but the Shoutin’, and Werner and Smith (pp. 36–37). Then, research the literature on resilience and risk and protective factors. Think about the characters in the story and their functioning over time. Select one character and use that character to do the following:

  • Describe the character’s adaptation and coping according to the six factors used by Werner and Smith (pp. 36–37) in their study of risk and resilience.
  • Analyze how this person’s life journey compares to the common risk and protective factors summarized in the literature. Be sure to consider applicable major life stages (infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, etc.) in your discussion and to include scholarly support for your answer.
  • Finally, think about your research on resilience and risk and protective factors. What factor do you believe BEST explains your character’s functioning?

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