Cultural Authenticity Essay

Assignment Description

For your Cultural Authenticity essay, present a counterargument-rebuttal (Links to an external site.) paragraph in which you present an opposing view to your argument and give this opposing view, a counterargument, and a rebuttal.

The counterargument-rebuttal paragraph (which can be more than one) usually comes before your conclusion paragraph.

Why is the counterargument-rebuttal necessary for an argumentative essay? Because for an argumentative essay, providing compelling support paragraphs to make your claim or thesis persuasive is not enough. You also need a counterargument-rebuttal section (Links to an external site.) to show your argument has been “tested” by the “fire of opposing views.”

To earn credibility in an argument, good writers anticipate how opponents will disagree with their claim, so they actually provide an anticipated disagreement with their own thesis. Often they will write this counterargument-rebuttal section after their supporting paragraphs (and before their conclusion).

Writing a Counterargument-Rebuttal Paragraph:

For an argumentative essay, providing compelling support paragraphs to make your claim or thesis persuasive is not enough. You also need a counterargument-rebuttal section (Links to an external site.).

To earn credibility in an argument, good writers anticipate how opponents will disagree with their claim, so they actually provide an anticipated disagreement with their own thesis. Often they will write this counterargument-rebuttal section after their supporting paragraphs (and before their conclusion).

Instructions for This Assignment

  1. To write an effective counterargument-rebuttal (Links to an external site.), good writers use a variety of sentence structures that set up the counterargument and the rebuttal.
  2. To learn how to write an effective counterargument-rebuttal (Links to an external site.), good writers use a variety of sentence structures based on templates:

Study the Templates for Counterargument-Rebuttal Section of Essay

Some people may object to my point X, but they fail to see Y.

Some people will take issue with my argument X, and I will concede their point to some degree. However, on balance, my argument X still stands because______________________________. 

It is true as my opponents say that my argument fails to acknowledge the possibility that Y, but I would counter argue by observing that ___________________.

I would be the first to agree with my opponents that my argument can lead to some dangerous conclusions such as X. But we can neutralize these misgivings when we consider _________________________.

While the author’s arguments for meaning are convincing, she fails to consider . . .

While the authors make convincing arguments, they must also consider . . .

These arguments, rather than being convincing, instead prove . . .

While these authors agree with Writer A on point X, in my opinion . . .

Although it is often true that . . .

While I concede that my opponents make a compelling case for point X, their main argument collapses underneath a barrage of . . .

While I see many good points in my opponent’s essay, I am underwhelmed by his . . .

While my opponent makes some cogent points regarding A, B, and C, his overall argument fails to convince us when we consider X, Y, and Z.

My opponent makes many provocative and intriguing points. However, his arguments must be dismissed as fallacious when we take into account W, X, Y, and Z.

While the author’s points first appear glib and fatuous, a closer look at his polemic reveals a convincing argument that . . .

Using the Above Templates Is Not Plagiarism

I strongly suggest you use these templates. Using them is not a form of plagiarism. You are taking structures that are commonly used by professional writers and filling in the blanks for your own purposes.

Partial Example of a Counterargument-Rebuttal Paragraph:

My opponents will disagree with my argument that social media is intrinsically addicting because they will point out that anyone can find extreme cases of dysfunctional people getting addicted to anything. However, these critics are in egregious error, for they fail to see that _____________________________________.

Three. Be sure to provide compelling and accurate counterarguments.

Do not use weak or misrepresented arguments to make your rebuttal easier. The stronger the counterargument, the stronger your rebuttal, and the strength of your rebuttal determines how persuasive your argumentative essay is.

Four. Be sure to have sufficient detail for your counterargument-rebuttal paragraph. Aim for 150-200 words.

List of Requirements for This Assignment

Your counterargument-rebuttal has a suitable sentence structure that conforms to one of the templates I’ve provided.

Your counterargument-rebuttal addresses a legitimate concern that your opponents reasonably have.

Your rebuttal diminishes or outright refutes your opponent’s counterargument.

Your paragraph has sufficient detail evidenced by a length of about 150-200.

Your paragraph should be uploaded as an attachment to Canvas.

Learning Objectives for Building Block Assignment #2, Writing Counterargument-Rebuttal Paragraph for Your Cult of Authenticity Essay

Write a counterargument-rebuttal paragraph before your conclusion paragraph to gain credibility with your readers by showing them you have considered opposing views to your thesis or claim.

Use the correct counterargument-rebuttal sentence structures available to effectively present such a paragraph.

Use your rebuttal of your opponents to strengthen the persuasiveness of your thesis.

Resources for This Assignment–handout-cabrini.pdf

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