Reducing the Days We Commit to Work

Final Argumentative Research Essay

Topic: 4-Day Workweek: Reducing the Days We Commit to Work

Choose ONE position:

             Position 1: The Negative Effects of the 4-Day Workweek

             Position 2: The Positive Effects of the 4-Day Workweek

Text Box: Essay Prompt: Some believe that passing a law that will provide an option of 4-day workweek will positively affect the economy, the companies, and the employees. Others claim that reducing workweek to 4 days will have a negative effect and will not be beneficial for the economy, companies, or the employees. Which opinion do you agree with?

Your essay and your Thesis should clearly show the position you chose about shortened workweek and its effects.

Length: 6 paragraphs typed/ double-spaced: Introduction (5-6 sentences), 3 Supporting Body Paragraphs (6-9 sentences each), Refute Paragraph (5-7 sentences), and a Conclusion (4-6 sentences).

Research/ Sources: As a research paper, it should have quotes and references from outside sources as supports to your claims (your reasons as well as to the refute).

In your essay, you should refer to/ use/ quote from the 2 texts I provid, and you should also do research using Google Scholar and/ or LAVC Library Database for credible information and find 1-2 credible sources.

  • You should use 2-3 citations from the provided texts and 2-3 citations from the researched sources.

Researched Sources: 2 credible sources (article, book, journal, news, scholar essay) Use Library Academic databases and/or Google Scholar for the credible sources.

  • (Optional) You can also use 1 non-credible source: YouTube Video, Ted Speech, Poster, a visual, quote, data/statistics or information from a website (information searched via regular search engines)


How to start:

  1. Read the assigned 2 texts/ articles.
  • Consider the Essay Prompt: choose if you are FOR or AGAINST the reduced work-week option (if it will affect us positively or negatively).
  • List reasons for your chosen position and pick 3 good, strong reasons that you can develop each into full paragraphs to be your Supporting Body Paragraphs.
  • Formulate your thesis (Complete or Fully-developed) which should show your argument and the 3 reasons that you will develop in the supporting body paragraphs following the order you list them in the thesis.
  • Remember the STRUCTURE: 6 Paragraph Academic Essay: Introduction, 4 Body Paragraphs (3 Supportive Body Paragraphs, 1 Refute Paragraph), and a Conclusion.
  • The essay should follow MLA format and citation guidelines for in-text citations and Works Cited page
  • Should have supporting information (citations/quotes and references) from the texts I provided and 2 other sources that you will research on your own)


GRADING DETAILS of the Essay: 40p

Organization 5p

  • Paragraphs’ length and structure / development  

Thesis 3p and Refute Paragraph 7p

Integration of Sources 10p:

          In-text citations/ quotes and references from the provided texts and from the researched credible source(s)

MLA Format 5p and Works Cited page 5p

Mechanics 5p

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