Role of Corporate Governance and CSR

Critically discuss and evaluate the role of corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR)  in providing high-quality financial reporting within UK context. You may evaluate the current practice of applying UK Governance Code and CSR, its role in financial reporting and decision making, challenges faced by companies and other stakeholders. Provide your own critical view and  what would be the right direction going forward in this context and use company example (s) to support the discussion (up to 2,000 words).

Criteria :

Structure and Organisation: An essay should have a clear structure including introduction, main section and conclusion/recommendation. In addition, there should a logical order of discussion.

Understanding of the Topic: Demonstrates a clear understanding of the issues and complexities related to the topic.

Quality of Arguments: A well-constructed arguments considering opposing views. It is also expected that you can demonstrate an independent thinking and  a critical assessment.

Sources, Referencing and  Citations: Use of a wide range of literature (especially latest academic articles, books, reports etc) to support arguments and points made in the essay. Each source should be clearly cited within the essay with a full referent list (Note 1)

Note 1: It is expected that you use 10- 15 good academic articles to support your essay and corresponding arguments. 

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