Biochemistry of Drugs and Disease

Q1. 5-fluorouracil is an example of an antimetabolite. (Including title, figure legends, citations, and reference list)write an essay using the current literature for the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil. Your essay should be in your own words and include the following:

a) A critical analysis of 2 current examples (from the past 5 years) using primary sources from the scientific literature of the use of 5-fluorouracil as an anticancer agent.        400 words for this question

[You must include the active links to the abstracts for your 2 papers in the reference list]                                                                                     

b) A one-paragraph summary and reference list using the Harvard APA 7th system. 100 words                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


a) Multi-drug resistant parasitic nematodes are becoming increasingly prevalent.  Summarise an experimental approach that would allow you to (a) determine the causes of multi-drug resistance in a parasitic nematode and (b) what the likely changes might be that underpin the multi-drug resistance status of the parasite.                                                                                          400 words                        

b) Outline a strategy that uses the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to assist the development of novel anthelmintics and/or nematicides.          

400 words

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