Financial Principles For Business Growth


The objective is to analyze financial principles that help with the decision-making and growth of the business.  


In this project, you will analyze the business you have chosen and bring all of the necessary areas together.   

You chose one of these organizations or made up a new one (create your own organization).  

  • Tesla

Part A:

Combine all of your previous research on your organization and include them in this final report.  

Part B:

Look at the financial reports (balance sheet, income statements, and statement of cash flows) for your company (current 10k reports, 2020).  If you are creating your own organization create these reports as a projection of what you expect to achieve.  Insert a copy of these reports in your final report.  Compare these financial reports with your company’s nearest competitor (just one).  Analyze and discuss the main components listed below: 

  • Complete a liquidity ratio (current ratio) and explain if your company’s ratio is good or bad and compare it to your competitor (at least one paragraph)
  • Complete a debt to owner’s equity ratio and explain if your company’s ratio is good or bad and compare it to your competitor (at least one paragraph)  
  • Complete a return on equity and explain if your company’s ratio is good or bad and compare it to your competitor (at least one paragraph)

Final thoughts:

Complete both parts (A and B) and submit them as one document.  Be sure to check your grammar and complete and do not plagiarize. Complete all questions with at least a paragraph each (a paragraph is 4 to 6 sentences). Also, this assignment is checked for plagiarism using Turnitin technology.  So, use your own words and cite your document.  

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