Social Problems

For this paper, you will need to not only demonstrate your understanding of the sociological imagination, but you must also analyze crime, policing, and racial stratification in the United States. After watching the film, Crack: Cocaine, Corruption, and Conspiracy, I want you to use the sociological imagination to deconstruct and analyze the decades’-long intersection of race, crime, and punishment, and discuss what it means for racial stratification. More specifically, in an 8-10 page paper, using these documentaries as your guide, as well as the final book, A Peculiar Indifference: The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America, you are to compare and contrast the two films, and you must identify and discuss examples of the three pillars of the sociological imagination: biography, society, and history. First, in your own words, summarize the core tenants of the documentaries and explain how they relate to the book. You have to approach your summaries as if the reader has never heard of or seen these films, nor have heard of or read this book. You do not have to review every aspect of the films/book, but you have to be thorough enough to paint a clear picture of what they tried to convey. Next, I want you to compare the films to one another. How were they similar? How were they different? What are some of the themes/processes that stood out to you? Why? Also, how do they relate to the book. What are the common themes? What are some contrasting themes? Next, demonstrate your understanding of the sociological imagination. Find an example of biography, an example of society, and an example of history, and discuss how they affect, and are affected by, racial stratification in the United States. In written form, you have to show me that you understand and know how to apply the sociological imagination. Finally, I want to hear your voice. In your opinion, what are your thoughts about these two films? The book? How did they make you feel? Why? What are your thoughts about the intersection of race, crime, drugs, and punishment in modern America?

Your paper should demonstrate writing proficiency at the college and university level. Please check for any typos and/or grammatical errors. Papers that successfully pull in content from the book in a clear and comprehensive way will receive extra consideration.

Papers should be double-spaced with 12-pt Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins.

Assignment Objectives:

  • Demonstrate your ability to understand and utilize the sociological imagination.
  • Demonstrate writing proficiency and argumentation at the university level.
  • Demonstrate an ability to summarize and analyze external information in a comprehensive and sociological manner.
  • Demonstrate your ability to comprehend and communicate the findings of an empirical work of sociology.
  • Demonstrate your ability to extract and think critically about sociological concepts in the real world.

Assignment Grading Rubric

  1. Introduction
    1. Your introduction should introduce your reader to the topic of your paper. In your introduction, you should include a definition of the sociological imagination, and you should at least mention the two films at the heart of your analysis. Also, you must include a thesis statement which clearly articulates the main points of your paper.
  2. Critical Analysis
    1. You should summarize and discuss the films/book here. Talk about some of their core themes.
      1. If you were summarizing the films/book to someone who had never seem them or read it, what would you say? These are your themes.
      1. You have to do more than simply summarize the documentaries/book; you have to analyze them. This includes comparing and contrasting them to each other, and identifying examples of the sociological imagination. Also, what do these films say about race and racial inequality in the United States? What does it say about crime and punishment?
  3. Conclusion
    1. Your conclusion should re-state the main points of your paper, and include your final thoughts about the topic(s) discussed. Offer and elaborate on your own opinion. Again, I want to hear your voice. Also, please keep in mind that your conclusion is the last thing your reader will read. Be sure to make it as grammatically sound, sociologically compelling, and thematically detailed as possible. You want this to be one of the strongest parts of your paper.
  4. Works Cited
    1. You need to include references for any thoughts/ideas that are not your own. This includes citations from the course readings, outside readings, and even the class lectures. It includes both internal citations and a Works Cited page.
      1. Any time you use a direct quotation, you need to include an internal citation with the author’s name, the year of publication, and the page number. It looks like this: “This is a direct quotation” (Bell, 2021: 35).
      1. Any time you paraphrase, you need to include an internal citation with the author’s name and year of publication. A citation for a paraphrase would look like this (Bell, 2021). If you are citing a lecture, you may do so as (Bell, 2021). Works cited page should adhere to APA format.
      1. The Purdue OWL is a great resource for citations. It includes information for internal citations and your works cited page, and has multiple examples you can look at. You can access it here:
    1. Failure to properly cite can result in a failing grade on this assignment. PLEASE feel free to contact me before the paper is due if you have any questions about citations. Do not wait until the last minute to begin writing this paper.

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