Human Sexuality Paper

This should not be a difficult or challenging paper. Choose a topic you are curious about and it will be easy to write. If you are finding it difficult please let me know!


Your paper should be between 600 and 1250 words in length (approx. 3-5 double spaced pages typically). Please note that the paper is by word length not page length. A full double spaced page of writing has 250 words. Papers should be double spaced and follow the basics of APA style (citations and references). The paper does not require a title page or abstract but does require a reference list.


The paper should include at least 2 empirical references. An empirical reference is a journal article that you access through PSYCARTICLES (which you can get to through the MCC main library website). Newspaper articles, magazine articles, editorials and so on do not count as one of your 2 references.

Your paper should focus on an aspect of human sexuality that you are curious about. It can include anything that is covered in the course, so that gives you a very wide range to focus on. For instance perhaps you are curious about labiaplasty (plastic surgery of the labia).  You should review three empirical articles about labiaplasty and summarize them. The final one or two paragraphs of your paper should be your own opinion or your personal response to what you learned about the topic you are writing on. The rest of the paper should be a description and summary of the content of each empirical article you chose to review.


Your paper will be graded for style and content as follows, from what I’ve seen on the discussion board none of you should have too much difficulty getting full credit.

ElementPercentHalf creditNo credit
2 empirical articles101 empirical articles 
600 words or more10Less than 500 wordsLess than 300 words
Writing Style: Paragraph structure that makes use of topic sentences, coherent paper structure204 paragraphs fail to follow/use topic sentences and/ or structure is unevenMore than 4 paragraphs fail to follow/use topic sentences and/or structure is difficult to find.
Writing Style: sentences are grammatically correct—correct verb tense, pronoun use, etc.20More than 25% of sentences have grammatical errors.More than 50% of sentences have grammatical errors.
APA format10More than 5 APA formatting errors (incorrect citation/referencing, paper formatting, etc.)More than 10 APA formatting errors
Content—paper is thoughtful, interesting to read, demonstrates attention to detail and at least some critical thinking30Paper is mechanical, lacking in serious consideration of the topicPaper is inappropriate or deliberately or thoughtlessly offensive

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