Service Improvement Report

Assessment Task

This assessment will be a Service Improvement Report. The patient safety problem/quality issue can be identified from a number of sources, for example: NHS Improvement, CQC report, problem/issues identified via DATIX, serious case review, research evidence, a common concern raised in the media. The focus will be to address this problem/issue and provide a structured plan to support improvements through the service improvement report.

What is the purpose of this assessment?

To equip you with the theoretical knowledge and skills required for your future role as a newly qualified nurse (NQN) when contributing to risk monitoring, quality care provision and optimised service improvements.

You should be able to explain these learning outcomes

  • LOC 1. Examine critically health and safety legislation and regulations to maintain safe work and care environments in adult nursing
  • LOC 2. Appraise improvement methodologies
  • LOC 3. Analyse critically service delivery evaluations, audit findings, near misses, critical incidents, major incidents and serious adverse events in adult nursing to identify improvement needs for care delivery with people, their families, carers and colleagues
  • LOC 4. Apply critically the theory and strategies underpinning risk aversion, risk management and uncertainty

What is expected of me in this assessment?

Grading for this assessment will not be based on the success of the quality improvement project; it will be graded on the process. However, this service improvement plan will need to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely).

The report must have the following topics:

  • Introduction: Provide a summary of the problem followed by a presentation of what you will discuss in this essay, according to the chosen problem/issue. Also, you must include a Rationale for developing this improvement report (how you got started with this project and what drove you to tackle this ).
  • Background: In this section, you will provide background information about the problem with up-to-date research and knowledge from the literature and the current policies/guidelines/legislation related to this topic that is important to highlight.
  • Measurement: you will apply the ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS, using the fishbone cause and effect diagram, to investigate (brainstorming) the possible causes of this problem and their effects on patient/quality of care. You will choose one cause of this problem to develop your improvement report and will summarise the existing evidence that this cause exists.
  • Design: With the support of the literature, you will have to explain why this specific cause described in the Measurement was chosen. This step is critical for others to understand the thinking behind the development of your intervention. You will describe the intervention that you plan to implement to improve the cause of this problem, what team members will be involved in the plan/application of the intervention, for how long the intervention will last and what will be any potential problems at this stage.
  • Strategy: you will use the intervention described in the Design to present your improvement report’s whole strategy (the PDSA cycle):
    • Plan: the intervention will be put in place
    • Do: how the intervention you will carry out and how you will collect data to analyse the effects of the intervention. Also, the problems you may expect
    • Study: how you will analyse the data you collected to assess the efficacy of the intervention
    • Act: what will be the plan if your intervention might not work or what additional interventions could be added in the future.
  • Conclusion: you should provide a summary of the key points of your improvement report, noting what is already known on this topic and what your improvement report might add, such as benefits, financial savings (demonstrate that your intervention helps to add value to the service, patient care and/or staff).

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