Texas History

Write on TWO of the THREE the following questions.  Good answers will probably be in the range of 4-5 pages total (double-spaced) for both questions (thus, about two pages per question), but feel free to write more if you feel inspired.  Please cite any material that doesn’t come from the PowerPoints

  • You are a Spanish official in the year 1819 tasked with developing Texas.  How do you protect Texas from hostile Indians like the Comanches and increasingly annoying Americans?  Write a report to the King explaining your strategy for developing Texas and keeping it part of Spain. 
  • What benefits did Stephen F. Austin receive as an “empresario?”  How does the Texas Revolution challenge his status?  Why does he eventually come to support the Revolution?  What evidence is there that he lost status and prestige in post-Revolutionary Texas?
  • Compare the strategies of Lamar and Houston in terms of their support for annexation or for keeping Texas an independent nation.  What factors made it difficult for Texas to maintain its independence?  Why did it take nine years for Texas to be annexed to the United States?  What external issues prevented Texas from joining the U.S. sooner?

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