Comprehensive Exercise Design Program


As an exercise professional individuals will be working with people of varied health and fitness levels. Different methods of testing in all areas of fitness will be needed depending on the clients current fitness and the specific goals they have. Additionally, barriers to success and current health limitations have been identified which will factor into an exercise professionals program design.

A comprehensive fitness evaluation is the ideal approach to determine overall level of fitness of the average individual. A comprehensive evaluation will include aerobic capacity, body composition, flexibility, and muscular strength. From this, the client will be evaluated and assessed in accordance to current normative data to coach the client on their current fitness and health status. Based on these results, in combination with the client, an individualized exercise prescription can be developed. Generally there is a timeframe on that exercise prescription meaning as clients improve their health and fitness to reach goals, new goals will need to be established and the exercise prescription/training will also need to be adjusted.

The purpose of the assignment is to combine all aspects that were learned during the course to then apply to a real world scenario that an exercise professional would utilize in their field. 


Create a comprehensive 8–12-page exercise program design appropriate for your self-selected client. The paper must include 3–5 references and be formatted in current APA style with references outlined on an additional reference page. Make sure that the introduction includes the reasons for selecting the specific client.

Components of the program design must include the following:

  • a mission statement
  • client profile
  • health history (summarize the results of the Physical Activity Questionnaire and/or the Health Status Questionnaire)
  • lifestyle (i.e. occupation, family role, etc.)
  • client’s history
  • goals in various training areas

Include a 6–8 week training cycle chart which includes the following:

  • resistance
  • cardiovascular
  • flexibility training
  • weight management plan of attack

The following is to be utilized as a guide for writing up your exercise program design:

  • Don’t forget to consider the subject’s current health status and his or her particular fitness goals.
  • Have a type of Medical Clearance Form (HSQ or PAR-Q).
  • Set goals using the “SMART” Principle: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-frame specific.
  • Choose activities for a balanced program.
  • Focus on muscular strength/endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, and flexibility.
  • With resistance training, have at least 1 primary exercise for every major muscle of the body.
  • List the primary, secondary, and opposing muscle groups targeted for each RT exercise.
  • Be specific in your choices of exercise equipment and consider the level of the person you have chosen.
  • Create logistical orders of the entire workout and each exercise that makes up the workout.
  • Write an introduction (provide a brief summary of what your client’s program will entail and then give a future viewpoint of where his/her program will go next).
  • The body of the paper is where you will address all exercises chosen, provide justification for the selection of each exercise, state at least the primary muscles targeted by each exercise, have a meso-cycle for a 6–8 week period (with resistance, cardiovascular, and flexibility training). You must also include a warm-up and a brief cool-down on resistance training days, specifically if you do not train cardiovascular endurance on that day. Also, address training goals and stay consistent. For example, your reps, sets, and recovery (for your client) should equal what you have your client training for (e.g. muscular endurance, muscular strength, power, etc.). Finally, be sure to indicate how, when, and the reasons why you will assess your client for body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength or endurance, and flexibility.
  • You must include a concluding paragraph (or 2) that provides a brief summary of your paper as well as gives some ideas as to what the client will do (related to workouts) in the future.


Gibson A. & Heyward V. (2019). Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription with online video (8th ed.). Human Kinetics.

ISBN: 9781492561347.

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