Assignment 2: Critique (9 hours – Reading: 2 hours; Study: 3 hours; Writing: 4 hours)
This assignment requires a description of what data were presented in the integrative articles chosen. You might read additional material about the topics in order to summarize the data that were presented. Your summary will show your ability to understand the results presented in the study.
In this assignment you will also gain a better understanding of the data presented on the study of medical nutrition therapy. You are asked to evaluate the authors’ adequacy of the data presented, which requires a thorough understanding of the results. This exercise should sharpen your analytical mind.
- Select 2 integrative articles from peer-reviewed journals of your choice – same topic/theme but different results. The articles do not need to come from the same journal, but the journals should be peer-reviewed journals. List the title, authors, and page numbers of each article read and briefly summarize, in your own words, the data that was presented in each study. Compare and contrast the data presented. Explain how the data differs. Your discussion should consist of 600 words, double-spaced.
- Select 4 dietary supplements currently being used by consumers for deriving specific health benefits. Take a position either supporting or refuting the health claims for each product. Justify your position based on the adequacy of the data that is presented in each study from peer reviewed published articles. Your discussion should consist of 600 words, double-spaced.
Summary of Major Points: xx/15
Critique of Literature Review and Theoretical Framework: xx/20
Critique of Research Methodology and Findings: xx/20
Evidence of Critical Thinking: xx/15
Conclusions, Applications and Recommendations: xx/20
Requirements: xx/10
Points Earned: xx/100
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