Group Dynamics and Cohesion

You are working with a sports team or a group of individuals in an exercise and/or nutrition setting. These individuals, whether they are part of specific team have been tasked to work together to achieve one common goal or they are working together and supporting one another to help them each achieve a goal that is similar to those in their group (e.g., an exercise client is wanting to lose 10 minutes and another exercise client in the group is wanting to lose 25 pounds). You start to notice that your team and/or group of individuals in your particular setting are not working well and they are starting to disconnect from one another. You have decided to have a team/group meeting where you will discuss group dynamics and cohesion while engaging your team/group to help them work together to illustrate the importance of utilizing a team or group of individuals to help you achieve your individual or team/group goals.

For this project, students will write a paper where they will present information about group dynamics and cohesion. The introduction of the paper should include demographic information about the discipline (e.g., coaching, exercise, nutrition), the group of professionals (e.g., assistant coaches, group of exercise clients), and the setting they are in (e.g., coaching a high school sports teams, working with a group of exercise client in a private gym setting).

Within the body of the paper, students will discuss group dynamics, what it entails, the value in having strong group dynamics, and how that influences cohesion and performance. Students can describe and display the information however they best see fit for their population. Make sure to include any references from information at the end of the paper on a separate “Reference” page. At the end of the paper (but before the reference page), students will add in an activity they would implement if they were working with a team or group of individuals who were struggling to work together and support one another. In the activity, students are asked to provide detailed  instructions of the activity, discuss how they would implement it with the group, why they built this particular activity, and what impact do they believe it would have on their group dynamics and cohesion.

Lastly, in the closing, students are asked to provide a summary slide where important points from the paper are reiterated and recommendations (3-4) are provided to further help the client(s) continue to best work together to achieve their individual goals and/or the common goal.

Grading Criteria

**Students can fall in between the point schemes on this table.**

Identifying population         [ 10 points]Providing detailed group dynamics, cohesion, and additional content information     [40 points]Creating an activity related to content that helps a team or group of individuals work together   [30 points]Providing practical recommendations to help practitioners in the future     [20 points]
Students provide detailed information about the population they are presenting to that includes specific information about their clients and/or teams. Students are welcome to provide additional demographic information               [10 points]Students provide a lot of detailed information about group dynamics and cohesion that they learned from the readings in the Group Dynamics and Cohesion Module. Students clearly define concepts related to group dynamics and cohesion that are important in helping change people’s behavior       [40 points]Students create an activity getting their team and/or group of clients working together to improve group dynamics and cohesion. Students include detailed instructions of the activity and a rationale for why the activity was designed in this manner.             [30 points]Students provide 3-4 detailed practical recommendations to help the team and/or group of individuals they presented to                     [20 points]

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