Consumer Behaviour Assessment

Assessment Brief

You have applied for the role of a Customer Insight & Market Intelligence Manager for a large global company.

As part of the interview process, you are required to write a 2500-word report that critically evaluates the impact of two of the following influences on household consumer decision-making:

  • roles in collective decision-making;
  • family demographics;
  • family life cycle;
  • children as decision-makers.

On this occasion the report should follow a simple format with these sections:

StructureIndicative Content
A Title Page and Contents PageThese should be separate pages with the title page providing information outlining a relevant title for the report; the module number and name; module tutor name; and your student ID number (do not include your name);
IntroductionA brief introduction, providing an outline description of what the report is going to evaluate/analyse. You May also want to look to include a definition of the main theoretical topic within this section;
Main Body a) a brief explanation of what constitutes a ‘household’ and ‘household decision-making’ b) a critical evaluation of the impact of two influences from the list above on household consumer decision-makingUsing headings and sub-headings, the main body of the report should focus upon providing an analysis and evaluation of the relevant theory and should be underpinned with relevant examples
ConclusionBrief summary of what has been achieved in the report
ReferencesAlphabetic Order, Harvard referencing

The report should be professionally presented and fully referenced, using the Harvard reference system.

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 16 on module guide.)

85%+: Your report will be of exceptional quality where you demonstrate exceptional knowledge and understanding of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. The analysis of relevant models and concepts will be of exceptional quality. The report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing will all be of an exceptional standard.

70% – 84%+: Your report will be of excellent quality where you demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. The analysis of relevant models and concepts will be of excellent quality. The report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing will all be of a very high standard.

60% – 69%: Your report will be of good quality where you demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. The analysis of relevant models and concepts will be of good quality. The report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing will all be of a good standard. The academic content, the quality of discussion, referencing, and other elements will be likely to require some or limited development.

50 – 59%: Your report will be of fairly good quality where you demonstrate an adequate knowledge and understanding of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. The analysis of relevant models and concepts will be of adequate quality. The report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing will all be of an adequate standard. The academic content, the quality of discussion, referencing, and other elements will be likely to require some development.

40% – 49%: Your report will demonstrate a basic awareness of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. There will be some omissions of expected content and the analysis of relevant models and concepts is likely to be cursory. There will probably be significant problems with any combination of the report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing. The academic content, the quality of discussion, referencing, and other elements will be likely to require extensive development.

Borderline Fail 35% – 39%: Your report will demonstrate limited awareness of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. You are likely to offer limited analysis of relevant models and concepts and there will probably be significant omissions of expected content. In addition, there will probably be very significant problems with any combination of the dissertation structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing. The academic content, the quality of discussion, referencing, and other elements will be likely to require very extensive development. Only the most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unchallenging terms.

Fail ≤34%: Your report will demonstrate a lack of satisfactory awareness of academic models and concepts relating to consumer behaviour. You are likely to offer little or no analysis of relevant models and concepts and there will probably be significant omissions of expected content. In addition, there will probably be very significant problems with any combination of the report structure, its presentation, your written English and your referencing. The academic content, the quality of discussion, referencing, and other elements will be likely to require very extensive development.

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:

Level HE6 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.

Important and helpful information

Please refer to the Module Guide for information regarding indicative reading, guidelines for the preparation and submission of assignments, and the assessment criteria.  


Electronic copies of assignments should be submitted via “Turn-it-in” NO LATER THAN 23:59 ON 25TH November 2021. Please ensure you follow the instructions provided by your module tutor and on the assessment brief.

Submission of assessments may be done on or before the published submission date. Assignments not available at this time will be considered late unless an extension has been previously agreed.

Students who fail to submit assessments by the specified date (without an extension being granted or without accepted Mitigating Circumstances) will be subject to the following penalties:

  • Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assignment.
  • More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks will be recorded.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted in the format/s specified in the Module Guide or on the Assessment Brief.


In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 14 days after the assessment deadline may be granted. This must be agreed by your Programme Leader, following a discussion the Module Tutor. You should complete an Extension Request Form available from Student Services and attach documentary evidence of your circumstances, prior to the published submission deadline.

Extensions over 14 calendar days should be requested using the Mitigating Circumstances procedure.

Some students with registered disabilities will be eligible for revised submission deadlines. Revised submission deadlines do not require the completion extension request paperwork.

Please see the Programme Handbook for further details.


General Assessment Guidelines for Written Assessments

 %RelevanceKnowledgeArgument/AnalysisStructurePresentationWritten EnglishResearch/Referencing
Class I
(Exceptional Quality)
85-100%        Directly relevant to title.  Expertly addresses the assumptions of the title and/or the requirements of the brief.  Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates the ability to expertly identify and critically appraise the most important issues, themes and questions. Demonstrates originality in conceptual understanding.Makes exceptional use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Presents an exceptional critical evaluation of the material results in clear, logical and insightful conclusions. Demonstrates distinctive or independent thinking.Coherently articulated and logically structured. An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP).An exceptionally well written answer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear, resourceful and academic.  Sources accurately cited in the text. An extensive range of contemporary and relevant references cited in the reference list in the correct style.
Class I
(Excellent Quality)
70-84%      Directly relevant to title.  Addresses the assumptions of the title and/or the requirements of the brief.  Demonstrates an excellent knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates the ability to identify and critically appraise the most important issues, themes and questions.Makes creative use of appropriate arguments and/or theoretical models. Demonstrates some distinctive or independent thinking. Presents an excellent critical evaluation of the material results in clear, logical and illuminating conclusions.Coherently articulated and logically structured. An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP).An excellently written
answer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear, resourceful and academic.  
Sources accurately cited in the text. A wide range of contemporary and relevant references cited in the reference list in the correct style.
Class II/i
(Very Good Quality)
60-69%Directly relevant to title. Addresses most of the assumptions of the title and/or the requirements of the brief.Demonstrates a very good knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates the ability to identify and critically appraise key issues, themes and questions.Uses sound arguments or theoretical models. Presents a sound critical evaluation of the material resulting in clear and logical conclusions.Logically constructed in the main. An appropriate format is used. The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Effective inclusion of FTP.A very well written answer with standard spelling and grammar. Style is clear and academic.  Sources accurately cited in the text and a wide range of appropriate references cited in reference list in the correct style.
Class II/ii
(Good Quality)
  50-59%Generally addresses the title/brief, but sometimes considers irrelevant issues.Demonstrates a good knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for this level through the identification and critical appraisal of some key issues, themes and questions.Presents largely coherent arguments. Evidence of attempted analysis and critical evaluation, with some descriptive or narrative passages. Conclusions are fairly clear and logical.For the most part coherently articulated and logically structured. An acceptable format is used.The presentational style & layout is correct for the type of assignment. Inclusion of FTP but lacks selectivity.Competently written with minor lapses in spelling and grammar. Style is readable and academic in the main.  Most sources accurately cited in the text and an appropriate reference list is provided which is largely in the correct style.
Class III
(Satisfactory Quality)
40-49%Some degree of irrelevance to the title/brief.  Superficial consideration of the issues.Demonstrates an adequate knowledge/understanding of theory and practice for this level. An attempt is made to critically appraise some key issues, themes and questions.Presents basic arguments, but focus and consistency lacking in places. Issues are vaguely stated. Descriptive or narrative passages evident which lack clear purpose. Conclusions are not always clear or logical.Adequate attempt at articulation and logical structure. An acceptable format is used.The presentational style & layout is largely correct for the type of assignment. Inappropriate use of FTP or not used where clearly needed to aid understanding.Generally competently written although intermittent lapses in grammar and spelling pose obstacles for the reader. Style limits communication and is non-academic in a number of places.Some relevant sources cited.   Some weaknesses in referencing technique.
Borderline Fail

  35-39%  Significant degree of irrelevance to the title/brief. Onlythe most obvious issues are addressed at a superficial level and in unchallenging terms. Demonstrates weaknesses in knowledge of theory and practice for this level. Key issues and themes not identified or appraised.  Limited argument, which is descriptive or narrative in style with little evidence of analysis. Conclusions are neither clear nor logical.Poorly structured.   Lack of articulation. Format deficient.For the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking. FTP ignored in text or not used where clearly needed.Deficiencies in spelling and grammar makes reading difficult. Simplistic or repetitious style impairs clarity.   Style is non-academic.Limited sources and weak referencing. 
Fail  <34%  Relevance to the title/brief is intermittent or missing.   The topic is reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms. Demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of either theory or practice for this level, with little evidence of understanding.Inadequate arguments and no analysis. Descriptive or narrative in style with no evidence of critique. Conclusions are sparse.Unstructured.   Lack of articulation. Format deficientFor the type of assignment the presentational style &/or layout is lacking. FTP as above.Poorly written with numerous deficiencies in grammar, spelling and expression. Style is non-academic.An absence of academic sources and poor referencing technique.

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