History and Evolution of Emergency Management

Overview: Historically, interagency emergency management has been a reactive science shaped by results of catastrophes, calamities, heightened risks, and newly identified threats that affect the population, economic stability, infrastructure, and national resilience. Since the 1700s with the Union Fire company to the present, Interagency Emergency Management has had several defining moment or events.  Analyze and apply the assigned weekly reading and conduct additional research for to complete this discussion.

Week 1: Discuss the following: (1) List and discuss at least 5 events you feel impacted and defined interagency emergency management during its history and evolution.  (2) Then, select two of the events you feel were the most impactful to interagency emergency management, and explain why you feel they were most impactful. Post this by the end of Week 1.  Remember if you use sources, you must cite them.

Week 2: Discuss your postings. What was similar and what was different regarding your perspective?  What can be added, or what do you disagree with?  Provide responses that enhance the author’s original posting and thought process. Be sure everyone has at least one response. Wrap up this discussion by the end of Week 2.  Remember if you use sources, you must cite them.

Objectives: This discussion supports objectives CO1, CO2, & CO3.

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