Reflective Writing on Media


In this assignment, you will read, reflect and respond to an assigned reading, audio and/or video. Before you begin writing, carefully review the source material (Core Materials Set #3 from the Libguide and the TRC Calls to Action).

Determine which aspect of the source material you would like to focus on (choose one specific topic that interests you).

Take notes.

Consider your own opinion and experiences on the topic. If necessary, do some additional research; keep track of your sources so that you can paraphrase, cite, and reference them correctly. Provide a two-part response to the reading:

Part 1: Summary (50-150 words)

Summarize one particular aspect of the reading. In one concise paragraph, identify the main idea and briefly and briefly describe the evidence or explanation that the writer provides to support their ideas. Use your own words. Provide APA in-text citations for any paraphrases.

Part 2: Analysis (350-450 words):

Respond to one or more questions from one of the question sets below:

· How has the media affected perceptions of Indigenous people in your community? Have media representations been positive, negative, accurate or misleading? Which groups are typically misrepresented or underrepresented? Why? In what way? How can this misrepresentation or lack of representation affect how members of these groups view themselves, or affect how they are viewed by members of other groups?

· How can we ensure that media representations of minority groups are accurate and free of bias? Consider the role of individuals, the education system, the government, and the media. In your response, showcase your critical thinking abilities by making connections between the source material, your own experiences and knowledge, and the TRC Calls to Action. Tips:

· Your response should be 500-650 words in length. · Follow APA guidelines for formatting and citing. Include a title page and reference page.

· Your analysis must include elements of reflection, respect, realization, and responsibility.

· Use the rubric (below and on Blackboard) as a checklist.

· Need more help? Review the materials in the Reflective Writing module on Blackboard. You must use APA documentation (citations and references for all paraphrases and quotes). If references and citations for source materials are not included, the paper will be considered plagiarized.

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