Theoretical Perspectives Application

Appling the theoretical perspectives to a current news event

This assignment is an analysis of a current news event or news article using the three sociological theoretical perspectives. The paper requires objectivity and the ability to explain and apply all three major theoretical perspectives to the selected topic. This paper is worth 10% of your overall grade.

This paper requires several different tasks so it will be helpful to break the paper into sections with headings. That way you will have clearly identified what areas below are being addressed in each section.  The structure of the paper should be as follows:

  • Introduction: Introductory paragraph to the topic. The introduction should include a preview of the main points and purpose of the paper. Include a thesis statement.
  • Explain the Issue:  Clearly state, describe, and explain the topic. The main article must be dated within 4 months of the current date. This section should explain the ‘who, what, when, why, and where’ of the news article and include all necessary information for a reader to understand the news article/event.
  • Theoretical Perspectives: Explain all three theoretical perspectives with three or more characteristics of each perspective.
  • Application of Theoretical Perspectives: Analyze the topic using the three theoretical perspectives. Include a minimum of 3 or more components in the application of each perspective.
  • Conclusion Identify a conclusion based on the research presented. Summarize the implications and consequences of the research presented.

This paper will be graded on the above criteria and the following: 

  • The ability to communicate using proper English grammar and writing mechanics. This will include – but is not limited to- correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage.
  • Use of three or more credible sources to support the sociological analysis. In-text citations and Reference page should follow APA guidelines.

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