Impact of Covid-19 on Organizations

you will need to cover the following points:

  1. Introduction about your presentation:
    1. Summarize about the organization assigned to you and provide a brief description on how disaster (Covid-19) impacted the organization [    1-2 slides]
  2. COVID-19 Data source
    1. Provide examples of sources of information or data used by the organization assigned

to you, to prepare its BC plan [    1-2 slides]

  • BC Plan and prioritized activities
    • Describe the prioritized activities of the organization and how they were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic [2-3 slides]
    • Explain how the organization BC plan helped the organization to keep its prioritized

activities operating [1-2 slides]

  • Conclusion:
    • What are your recommendation to improve the organization BC plan [1-2                      slides]
  •  References Using APA citation style. Includes more than 4 major references (science articles, books,


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