
Dieting is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and Public Health Nutritionists are often faced with stearing the public in healthy directions.This assignment requires referencing information from the Omega Z Diet Book which explains and rates many diets in the industry. This is your opportunity to draw upon scientific information and explanations from the readings on macronutrients and metabolism and to demonstrate your ability to discern healthy, safe, weight loss diets that promote a healthy metabolism from unhealthy, risky diets. This assignment will also require you to demonstrate  understanding of  why diets may be safe or unsafe based on macronutrient consumption and calorie levels’ impact on metabolism. You will interview 1 person and write a report based on your findings. Data may be collected through informal interviews or questionnaires.


  1. The first part of the assignment is to review the diets identified in the Omega Z Diet Book. Then, identify a person who has been on a weight loss diet and is willing to talk with you.
  2. The second part of this assignment is the actual interview. Complete the questions on the Safe Diets For a Healthy Metabolism Template document.Use either interview or questionnaire format to gather and record answers to questions in the Safe Diets For A Healthy Metabolism Template document.
  3. When the interview is over, using the Omega Z Diet Book, familiarize yourself with the diet they chose and be sure to read the related background information on that diet as well as the diet’s rating information. Read and familiarize yourself with the psychological influences, the macronutrients and relevant sections of metabolism, calories and fad diets as necessary for your subject’s dieting situation. The book provides “More Information Icons” to guide you to pertinent topics. If your subject chose a diet that was not specifically outlined,  review material on that diet from a credible source. In this case a credible source is either a peer reviewed journal article or the diet book itself. Then apply principles outlined in Part 1 – the background information  in the Omega Z Diet Book (psychological influences, metabolism, recognizing fad diets) to your interviewee’s dieting experience in order to determine the safety of the diet your subject chose.

Please note: no exact pages from the Omega Z Diet Book are assigned for reading this week as it will depend on the diet your subject selected.

  • The last part of this assignment is the analysis/discussion. This analysis/discussion should be provided after/following the completed Safe Diets For a Healthy Metabolism Template document.  Be sure the  analysis/discussion uses the following headings (shown in bold below) as talking points:
  • – What barriers do you see might hinder the subject  from reaching weight goals while being on their chosen diet? Consider knowledge, education, background, family habits and the diet’s impact on their metabolism as identified in the Omega Z Diet Book. Explain the connections you identify.
  • Be sure to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of their unhealthy or healthy approaches. The Omega Z Diet Book addresses these issues.

Be sure to cite at least 2 credible resources in current AMA format (Required textbooks can be used). Be specific. This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you know the material. Specific examples earn points. General, sweeping comments do not demonstrate that you understand the material.  This assignment must have a minimum of 400–500 words (your words).


Blake JS, Munoz KD, Volpe S. Nutrition: From Science to You. 4th ed. NY, NY. Pearson; 2019.

Kebles CA, Hemric M. Omega-Z Diet for Weight Loss: Master Your Diet and Nutrition

Understanding; 2021.  ISBN:9781736002414

Kebles CA. Omega-Z Diet for Weight Loss Workbook: A Personalized Approach; 2021.  ISBN:9781736002421

Safe Diets for a Healthy Metabolism Grading Rubric

Safe Diets for a Healthy Metabolism Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion of Template20 to >17.0 pts Advanced The template is complete. 17 to >16.0 pts Proficient Most of the components are answered, the template is mostly complete. 16 to >0.0 pts Developing Components of the template are incompletely or minimally addressed. 0 pts Not Present20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers to Questions25 to >22.0 pts Advanced All questions are completely, excellently and clearly addressed including perceived barriers, demonstrated approach to a healthy diet, influences on behavior and the role of a public health nutritionist. 22 to >20.0 pts Proficient All questions are reasonably addressed including: perceived barriers, demonstrated approach to a healthy diet, influences on behavior and the role of a public health nutritionist. 20 to >0.0 pts Developing At least one question is poorly addressed, or submission minimally addresses the following: perceived barriers, demonstrated approach to a healthy diet, influences on behavior and the role of a public health nutritionist. 0 pts Not Present25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddressing of Major Points25 to >22.0 pts Advanced Major points are accurate, stated clearly and have a logical flow. Major points are supported by good examples and thoughtful analysis. 22 to >20.0 pts Proficient Most major points are accurate and or stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. 20 to >0.0 pts Developing Major points are unclear, inaccurate or confusing. Major points are not supported by sufficient examples or thoughtful analysis. 0 pts Not Present25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Spelling10 to >9.0 pts Advanced Spelling and grammar are excellent. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. 9 to >7.0 pts Proficient Some spelling and grammar errors are present. Less than 2 references are cited with AMA formatting. Contains AMA formatting errors. 7 to >0.0 pts Developing Spelling and grammar errors distract. Information is incomplete or unclear. 0 pts Not Present10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences10 to >9.0 pts Advanced Two acceptable references are cited. 9 to >7.0 pts Proficient 1 acceptable peer-reviewed resource. 7 to >0.0 pts Developing 0 peer reviewed resources 0 pts Not Present10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAMA Formatting and Length10 to >9.0 pts Advanced References are cited in proper, current AMA format. Proper length. 9 to >7.0 pts Proficient 1 to 2 errors in AMA formatting. Proper length. 7 to >0.0 pts Developing 3 or more errors in AMA formatting. Improper length. 0 pts Not Present10 pts
Total Points: 100

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