Brand Management

Question 1:

“Gillette is extending its product range with the newly developed “Gillette Heated Razor”. Critically discuss whether and, if yes, to what extent this product can be considered an “innovation”. What are the chances for this product to succeed in the market?”                                                           (1000 words)


Some points as reference (not a must to have all the points), must be research-based answers that supports by peer reviewed academic journals and academic textbooks only and

indicate a very high level of understanding evidenced by an ability to engage critically and analytically with source materials (peer reviewed academic journals and academic textbooks only).

– exhibit independent lines of argument and the ability to interpret and/or apply that knowledge.

Critically discuss whether and, if yes, to what extent this product can be considered an “innovation”.

Some ideas:

–           Innovation = theoretical conception + technical invention + commercial

–           Additions to existing, product lines

  • and improvements & revisions

What are the chances for this product to succeed in the market?”

-The selling price is about US$130 – 260 (depends if that is discounted or not in some outlets), The basic Gillette shaver is about US$2.

-Is that over-priced? The warmth feeling is like putting on a warm towel after shaving somehow is attractive.

-Is that attractive? I guess it is targeting the luxury market, if the customer aims to have a better, smooth and super comfort day shave. So, why not. (this target market is Hong Kong, with high GBP, please add a reliable source in essay too, source from government, Mintel, never just blog, newspaper…)

Some ideas:

–           Product design problems?  (it seems good, Gillette is the expert of razor)

–           Product incorrectly positioned, priced or advertised ? (though it is quite expensive, it has its market. But too bad it seems not too much effort is put in local advertisement, not even doing PR to send to KOL to use that and analysis on that (you tube, fb, blog, newspaper.. in our local market- Hong Kong).

–           High costs of product development ? I don’t think it is such a very high technological investment thing

–           choosy consumers – of coz, that always happened. Most important is customer perceived value, does it worth to pay $200 for a better warm shave… it is new in the market, no similar product can be found

–      so even the product may not be the more popular than the traditional one, it plays a role in brand image, Gillette is always the king and the leader of razor, it always aims to create innovation product and enhance customer experiences).

Question 2 (25 marks)

2.         Assume that you are the brand manager for a new fashion brand (brand name: Friendly Footprint) that specialises in producing trendy fashion lines made of organic materials. The company is launching a new product line named as “Nature”. Below are the details of the products:

–           Product Origin: Japan

–           Products:           Fashion for Young Women (Style: Trendy, Causal/Smart Causal)

–           Selling prices:   HK$300 – HK$1000 

–           Point of sales:   Some middle class shopping malls (total about 7, which is a fair number of points of sales locally)

Part A) Conduct a competitive analysis using Porter’s Five Forces

Part B)  Propose a brand identity for the fashion brand to position it as an exciting alternative in young female consumers’ minds.


Some points as reference (not a must to have all the points), must be research-based answers that supports by peer reviewed academic journals and academic textbooks only and

Part A-Conduct a competitive analysis for this case using Porter’s Five Forces: (10 marks)

Threat of new entrants – pleaseelaborate according to this case of organic (environmental friendly fashion), with the support of academic journals/textbook

– Threat of substitutes pleaseelaborate according to this case of organic (environmental friendly fashion), with the support of academic journals/textbook

– Bargaining power of customers – for those who really love organic material (due to psychological factor mainly – the environmental friendly people, and those who have very sensitive skin, or for those simply love the feel of the organic cotton…. But mostly are those customers who love to support the Earth and love to be environmental friendly…), the choice of this kind of organic / environmental friendly clothes is relatively limited compared to those non environmental concern fashion company…. pleaseelaborate according to this case of organic (environmental friendly fashion), with the support of academic journals/textbook

– Bargaining power of suppliers – since the company needs to purchase organic materials only, thus, the number of suppliers is relatively less compared to other companies…. pleaseelaborate according to this case of organic (environmental friendly fashion), with the support of academic journals/textbook

– Competitive rivalry.  some brands like Muji (sold at HK$350 for a T-shirt) and other brands (please see this link as a quick view:… Of coz, this link is not at an academic level to quote a reference, just a quick view is ok.

Part B. Student has to propose a brand identity for the fashion brand to position it as an exciting alternative in young female consumers’ minds

–           The Four Steps of Brand Building

–           Establish the proper brand identity.

–           Create the appropriate brand meaning.

–           Elicit positive brand responses.

–           Forge strong relationships with customers.

–           Keller (2012) argues that the components of the ‘Brand Pyramid’ provide the foundation for successful brand development.

–           Customer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid

–           Who are you? (brand identity)

–           What are you? (brand meaning)

–           What about you? What do I think or feel about you? (brand responses)

–           What about you & me? What kind of association and how much of a connection would I like to have with you? (brand relationships)

–           “Brand positioning involves identifying & establishing points of parity & points of difference to establish the right identity & to create the proper brand image.” (Keller 2012)

–           Identify the target market.

–           Identify the nature of the competition.

–           Identify Points of Parity.

–           Identify Points of Difference.

Must have all the above, with proper academic reference and argument.

Question 3 (25 marks)

3.         Critically discuss what role ‘brand authenticity’ plays in the brand heritage of Vitasoy and examine what, according to Beverland (2005), is actually meant by ‘authenticity’. (1000 words)

Some points as reference (not a must to have all the points), must be research-based answers that supports by peer reviewed academic journals and academic textbooks only and

indicate a very high level of understanding evidenced by an ability to engage critically and analytically with source materials (peer reviewed academic journals and academic textbooks only).

– exhibit independent lines of argument and the ability to interpret and/or apply that knowledge.

The role ‘brand authenticity’ plays in the brand heritage of Vitasoy (15 marks):

The elements that have made Vitasoy authentic, some ideas:

–           Product Design & Recipe

–           Raw material & ingredients

–           Production Process

–           Location

–           Production facilities

–           Heritage / (Family) Ownership

Some details:

–           The Vitasoy story began in 1940. The founder, Dr. K.S. Lo wanted to help the people of Hong Kong during the war by bringing them a nutritious, protein-rich soymilk drink at an affordable price

–           Vitasoy: was introduced in postwar Hong Kong

–           People were poor and malnutrition at that time

–           Soybean is relatively cheaper than milk, yet among the food products of soybeans be listed was “Bean Milk,” a “valuable milk” that resembled cow’s milk

–           Soy milk: primary nutritional drink at that time 

–           However, customers were limited as customer could only use a bowl and drink that in the street stall

–           With technological improvements, Vitasoy were sold in bottles, the points of sales grew so as the numbers of customers, it also symbolized business practice and consumer choices.

–           “During winter, a bottle of hot Vitasoy from the store outside the school is one of my favorite childhood memories”, exclaimed by one of the fans of Vitasoy

–           In 1976, Vitasoy launched a series of juice drinks, and subsequently launched lemon tea and chrysanthemum tea and other drinks in 1978 and 1979, which were also the first Lemon Tea and chrysanthemum Tea in Hong Kong.

–           Vitasoy’s mission: “Making nutritious, tasty plant-based foods and beverages is our heritage. And as we move forward, exploring innovative ways to provide you with better products, we will always stay true to these values”.

–           Its headquarters and some of the production plants are located in Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong.

–           Over the years the company expanded into a wider variety of beverages. Some of them (such as fruit juice, milk, tea, soft drinks, water, and tofu) were given the derivative brand name “Vita”…

May apply the following elements:

–           Competitive advantage

–           Credibility

–           Can aid special relationships with a range of stakeholders

–           Leverage old & new meanings

–           Appeal – past & new consumers


Explain actually meant by ‘authenticity’, according to Beverland (2005) (10 marks): (please see File 2- paper for this paper which is referring to)

Product Authenticity

–           Signifier of being the original, not a remake/reprint, etc

Production Authenticity

–           Signifier of doing it in the same way it has always been done

–           Signifier of being true to the original recipe

Experienced authenticity

–           Consumers believe/experience the presented as the original even if it actually is a staged simulacrum, vs.

–           Consumers view their experiences and responses with the presented simulacrum as “genuine & authentic” ( their feelings are authentic while the presented is fake)

– as said, support all those with the appropriate academic sources

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