Media Regulation and Ethics


For this assignment, you will pick 3 questions from among the video and the chapter readings and answer each with a minimum of 3 paragraphs that are 3–5 sentences per paragraph.  Also include a biblical worldview that highlights Scripture verses as well as your thoughts on why they are relevant to the topic.

NOTE: You will answer 3 questions total – 2 from the first list and 1 from the second list.


Read Chapter 13 of the Baran et al. text. Select 2 questions from the list below to answer:

  1. How much regulation or, if you prefer, deregulation do you think media outlets should accept? For example, do think your free speech rights should be regulated on social media where the platforms like Facebook and Twitter have very little government oversight and make their own policing policies that historically censor Christian groups and conservative organizations. Explain your answers.

  2. Do media set the agenda for you? If not, why not? If they do, can you cite examples from your own experience of how your opinion might have changed? Furthermore, do you look to media for factual news, opinion or both?

  3. Find examples of advertising that use ideas from symbolic interaction or social construction of reality to sell their products? How do they do so?

Read Chapter 14 of the Baran et al. text. Select 1 question from the list below to answer:

  1. In general, and from your own interaction with the mass media, how ethical do you believe media professionals to be—specifically news reporters, but others may come to mind like advertising sales representatives, film writers, direct marketers or public relations professionals. Explain your answers. Define the terms “morality” and “ethics” and discuss the differences between them in relation to your answers.
  • Describe how the morality and ethics of those participating in various media outlets might have an impact on your life. Include social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and Snap Chat effects in your discussion.

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