PICOT Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to write an introduction to a literature review that clearly and succinctly introduces your topic to a reader. You also outline the rest of your literature review.

Write an introduction to the literature review. An introduction sets the stage for a reader to understand why your topic or question is of interest and warrants investigation. The search history should be a paragraph describing your search history within the electronic database. Ensure you include key words used, as well as how many articles were found at each stage, and answer your PICOT question.

Assignment Requirements

Using APA formatting, write a 2–3-page paper (the page count does not include the title page or reference list) that includes the following headers and content:

  • Title page
  • Introduction (remember that APA does not use “Introduction” as a heading level): this introduces your topic and why it’s important to nursing. It should end with your PICO(T) question.
  • Search history (includes library and databases searched, key words used, number of articles found, number of articles selected, and the reason articles were excluded or included, as well as the final number retrieved).
  • In an outline format, lay out how your headings will appear for the remainder of the paper.
    • The headings are:
      • Synthesis and Critique of the Evidence
      • Gaps in Evidence (state here, along with the gaps, whether you feel there is sufficient research to implement this into practice)
      • Conclusion
  • Reference list with all works in APA format.
  • Submit to Grammarly to get assistance on your writing mechanics.

Similarity Score

  • After submitting your assignment, select Submission Details to view your similarity score.
  • Your similarity score will appear as a percentage next to your submitted file. Your score should be less than 20%.
  • It may take up to 24 hours for your similarity score to appear.


Week 5 Writing Assignment Rubric

Week 5 Writing Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Assignment Detail10 pts Excellent Writing meets all assignment content requirements. 8 pts Satisfactory Writing meets minimum assignment content requirements. 7 pts Needs Improvement Writing meets a few assignment content requirements. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Writing does not meet assignment content requirements.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose and Support10 pts Excellent Writing is clear and appropriate for the purpose of the assignment. All evidence and examples are applicable, specific, and relevant. 8 pts Satisfactory Writing is adequate in terms of clarity and appropriateness for the purpose of the assignment. Evidence and examples meet basic requirements for being applicable, specific, and relevant. 7 pts Needs Improvement Writing may be unclear and/or inappropriate for the purpose of the assignment. Evidence and examples may require further development to be adequately applicable, specific, and relevant. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Writing is unclear and inappropriate for the purpose of the assignment. Evidence and examples are not applicable, specific, and/or relevant.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure and Development10 pts Excellent Ideas are coherently and logically organized with well-developed paragraphs and effective transitions. Uses correct APA headings to organize writing and direct the reader. 8 pts Satisfactory Organization of ideas meets the minimum requirement for being coherent and logical. Some paragraphs may be well-developed and use of effective transitions while others do not. Uses incorrect format and/or uses some APA headings to organize writing and direct the reader. 7 pts Needs Improvement Organization of ideas does not meet the minimum requirement for coherent and logical. Paragraphs lack development and/or fail to employ transitions effectively. Uses incorrect format and/or lacks APA headings to organize writing and direct the reader. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Ideas are incoherent and illogically organized. Paragraphs are undeveloped and need transitions. Lacks APA headings throughout.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and Evidence *“Critically reviewed” refers to evidence in the writing that demonstrates the writer has carefully analyzed, evaluated, and assessed
resources for their relevance to the topic and their appropriateness for the assignment.
Sources that are critically reviewed are considered high in quality, peer-reviewed, and appropriate to the discipline.
10 pts Excellent All sources are critically reviewed*, documented and in correct format per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual. 8 pts Satisfactory Sources meet the minimum requirements for being critically reviewed* and in correct format per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual. 7 pts Needs Improvement Sources do not meet the minimum requirements for being critically reviewed* and in correct format per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Insufficient sources and/or insufficient quality, critical review*, and documentation. Correct format per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual are not followed.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity and Writing Mechanics5 pts Excellent All sentences are well-written in third person and free from errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Demonstrates the ability to synthesize literature and paraphrase with credit to the author. 4 pts Needs Improvement Some sentences are well-written in third person and/or numerous errors in punctuation, grammar, and/or spelling. Lacks the ability to synthesize literature and paraphrase with credit to the author. Quotes author frequently. 3 pts Satisfactory Sentences are well-written in third person with minimally acceptable number of errors in punctuation, grammar, and/or spelling. Minimally demonstrates the ability to synthesize literature and paraphrase with credit to author. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Sentences are incomplete and/or not written in third person and/or contain major errors in punctuation, grammar, and/or spelling. Demonstrates excessive quoting of literature.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of APA Style5 pts Excellent Correct format using the professional template is followed for entire document per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual. 0 pts Unsatisfactory Incorrect format throughout the entire document per the current edition of the APA Style Guide/Manual.5 pts
Total Points: 50

Introduction show the focus purpose of the literature review. I have added how the paper will look at the end. Thank you. My instructor is very particular please do not ignore minor errors.

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